Synthesis and Structural details of BiOCu1-xS: Possible new entrant in series of exotic superconductors?

Abstract in English

We report an easy route single step synthesis of BiOCuS with and without Cu deficiency. The title compound is synthesized via solid state reaction route by encapsulation in an evacuated (10-3 Torr) quartz tube. Mixed components of the ingredients in stoichiometric ratio (1/3Bi2O3 +0.34Bi +Cu1-x + S) are pelletized, sealed in evacuated quartz tube and heat treated for 30 hours at 500 0C. Finally the sample is allowed to cool down to room temperature. The resultant compound is black is color and could not hold in pellet form, but is powdered. X-ray diffraction Reitveld analysis is carried out on all three samples of series BiOCu1-xS with x = 0.0, 0.10 and 0.15. These samples crystallize in single phase with space group P4/nmm and with cell parameters as a = 3.868 A and c = 8.557 A for stoichiometric BiOCuS. The volume of the cell slightly increases with an increase in Cu deficiency. The co-ordinate positions are determined by fitting the observed XRD patterns of the studied samples.
