The emission positions of kHz QPOs and Kerr spacetime influence

Abstract in English

Based the Alfven wave oscillation model (AWOM) and relativistic precession model (RPM) for twin kHz QPOs, we estimate the emission positions of most detected kHz QPOs to be at r=18+-3 km (R/15km) except Cir X-1 at r = 30+-5 km (R/15km). For the proposed Keplerian frequency as an upper limit to kHz QPO, the spin effects in Kerr Spacetime are discussed, which have about a 5% (2%) modification for that of the Schwarzchild case for the spin frequency of 1000 (400) Hz.The application to the four typical QPO sources, Cir X-1, Sco X-1, SAX J1808.4-3658 and XTE 1807-294, is mentioned.
