Turbulence and the formation of filaments, loops and shock fronts in NGC 1275 in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster

Abstract in English

NGC1275, the central galaxy in the Perseus cluster, is the host of gigantic hot bipolar bubbles inflated by AGN jets observed in the radio as Perseus A. It presents a spectacular $H{alpha}$-emitting nebulosity surrounding NGC1275, with loops and filaments of gas extending to over 50 kpc. The origin of the filaments is still unknown, but probably correlates with the mechanism responsible for the giant buoyant bubbles. We present 2.5 and 3-dimensional MHD simulations of the central region of the cluster in which turbulent energy, possibly triggered by star formation and supernovae (SNe) explosions is introduced. The simulations reveal that the turbulence injected by massive stars could be responsible for the nearly isotropic distribution of filaments and loops that drag magnetic fields upward as indicated by recent observations. Weak shell-like shock fronts propagating into the ICM with velocities of 100-500 km/s are found, also resembling the observations. The isotropic outflow momentum of the turbulence slows the infall of the intracluster medium, thus limiting further starburst activity in NGC1275. As the turbulence is subsonic over most of the simulated volume, the turbulent kinetic energy is not efficiently converted into heat and additional heating is required to suppress the cooling flow at the core of the cluster. Simulations combining the MHD turbulence with the AGN outflow can reproduce the temperature radial profile observed around NGC1275. While the AGN mechanism is the main heating source, the supernovae are crucial to isotropize the energy distribution.
