Nonlocal transport in the charge density waves of $o$-TaS$_3$

Abstract in English

We studied the nonlocal transport of a quasi-one dimensional conductor $o$-TaS$_3$. Electric transport phenomena in charge density waves include the thermally-excited quasiparticles, and collective motion of charge density waves (CDW). In spite of its long-range correlation, the collective motion of a CDW does not extend far beyond the electrodes, where phase slippage breaks the correlation. We found that nonlocal voltages appeared in the CDW of $o$-TaS$_3$, both below and above the threshold field for CDW sliding. The temperature dependence of the nonlocal voltage suggests that the observed nonlocal voltage originates from the CDW even below the threshold field. Moreover, our observation of nonlocal voltages in both the pinned and sliding states reveals the existence of a carrier with long-range correlation, in addition to sliding CDWs and thermally-excited quasiparticles.
