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Monte Carlo Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution. VI. The Influence of an Intermediate Mass Black Hole

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 Added by Stefan Umbreit
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present results of a series of Monte Carlo simulations investigating the imprint of a central intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) on the structure of a globular cluster. We investigate the three-dimensional and projected density profiles, and stellar disruption rates for idealized as well as realistic cluster models, taking into account a stellar mass spectrum and stellar evolution, and allowing for a larger, more realistic, number of stars than was previously possible with direct N-body methods. We compare our results to other N-body and Fokker-Planck simulations published previously. We find, in general, very good agreement for the overall cluster structure and dynamical evolution between direct N-body simulations and our Monte Carlo simulations. Significant differences exist in the number of stars that are tidally disrupted by the IMBH, which is most likely an effect of the wandering motion of the IMBH, not included in the Monte Carlo scheme. These differences, however, are negligible for the final IMBH masses in realistic cluster models as the disruption rates are generally much lower than for single-mass clusters. As a direct comparison to observations we construct a detailed model for the cluster NGC 5694, which is known to possess a central surface brightness cusp consistent with the presence of an IMBH. We find that not only the inner slope but also the outer part of the surface brightness profile agree well with observations. However, there is only a slight preference for models harboring an IMBH compared to models without.

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We study the dynamical evolution of globular clusters containing primordial binaries, including full single and binary stellar evolution using our Monte Carlo cluster evolution code updated with an adaptation of the single and binary stellar evolution codes SSE/BSE from Hurley et. al (2000, 2002). We describe the modifications we have made to the code. We present several test calculations and comparisons with existing studies to illustrate the validity of the code. We show that our code finds very good agreement with direct N-body simulations including primordial binaries and stellar evolution. We find significant differences in the evolution of the global properties of the simulated clusters using stellar evolution compared to simulations without any stellar evolution. In particular, we find that the mass loss from stellar evolution acts as a significant energy production channel simply by reducing the total gravitational binding energy and can significantly prolong the initial core contraction phase before reaching the binary-burning quasi steady state of the cluster evolution as noticed in Paper IV. We simulate a large grid of clusters varying the initial cluster mass, binary fraction, and concentration and compare properties of the simulated clusters with those of the observed Galactic globular clusters (GGCs). We find that our simulated cluster properties agree well with the observed GGC properties. We explore in some detail qualitatively different clusters in different phases of their evolution, and construct synthetic Hertzprung-Russell diagrams for these clusters.
Intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) are of interest in a wide range of astrophysical fields. In particular, the possibility of finding them at the centers of globular clusters has recently drawn attention. IMBHs became detectable since the quality of observational data sets, particularly those obtained with HST and with high resolution ground based spectrographs, advanced to the point where it is possible to measure velocity dispersions at a spatial resolution comparable to the size of the gravitational sphere of influence for plausible IMBH masses. We present results from ground based VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy in combination with HST data for the globular cluster NGC 6388. The aim of this work is to probe whether this massive cluster hosts an intermediate-mass black hole at its center and to compare the results with the expected value predicted by the $M_{bullet} - sigma$ scaling relation. The spectroscopic data, containing integral field unit measurements, provide kinematic signatures in the center of the cluster while the photometric data give information of the stellar density. Together, these data sets are compared to dynamical models and present evidence of an additional compact dark mass at the center: a black hole. Using analytical Jeans models in combination with various Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the errors, we derive (with 68% confidence limits) a best fit black-hole mass of $ (17 pm 9) times 10^3 M_{odot}$ and a global mass-to-light ratio of $M/L_V = (1.6 pm 0.3) M_{odot}/L_{odot}$.
Ibata et al. reported evidence for density and kinematic cusps in the Galactic globular cluster M54, possibly due to the presence of a 9400 solar-mass black hole. Radiative signatures of accretion onto M54s candidate intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) could bolster the case for its existence. Analysis of new Chandra and recent Hubble Space Telescope astrometry rules out the X-ray counterpart to the candidate IMBH suggested by Ibata et al. If an IMBH exists in M54, then it has an Eddington ratio of L(0.3-8 keV) / L(Edd) < 1.4 x 10^(-10), more similar to that of the candidate IMBH in M15 than that in G1. From new imaging with the NRAO Very Large Array, the luminosity of the candidate IMBH is L(8.5 GHz) < 3.6 x 10^29 ergs/s (3 sigma). Two background active galaxies discovered toward M54 could serve as probes of its intracluster medium.
Using the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA), we will make a comprehensive inventory of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in hundreds of globular cluster systems out to a distance of 25 Mpc. IMBHs have masses of about 100 to 100,000 solar masses. Finding them in globular clusters would validate a formation channel for seed black holes in the early universe and inform event predictions for gravitational wave facilities. Reaching a large number of globular clusters is key, as Fragione et al. (2018) predict that only a few percent will have retained their gravitational-wave fostering IMBHs.
We study the dynamical evolution of globular clusters containing populations of primordial binaries, using our newly updated Monte Carlo cluster evolution code with the inclusion of direct integration of binary scattering interactions. We describe the modifications we have made to the code, as well as improvements we have made to the core Monte Carlo method. We present several test calculations to verify the validity of the new code, and perform many comparisons with previous analytical and numerical work in the literature. We simulate the evolution of a large grid of models, with a wide range of initial cluster profiles, and with binary fractions ranging from 0 to 1, and compare with observations of Galactic globular clusters. We find that our code yields very good agreement with direct N-body simulations of clusters with primordial binaries, but yields some results that differ significantly from other approximate methods. Notably, the direct integration of binary interactions reduces their energy generation rate relative to the simple recipes used in Paper III, and yields smaller core radii. Our results for the structural parameters of clusters during the binary-burning phase are now in the tail of the range of parameters for observed clusters, implying that either clusters are born significantly more or less centrally concentrated than has been previously considered, or that there are additional physical processes beyond two-body relaxation and binary interactions that affect the structural characteristics of clusters.
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