We present results of a study of four-wave mixing in Rb vapour with highly nonlinear susceptibility, using both homodyne and heterodyne detection. We demonstrate that the spectra have different appearances for media possessing electromagnetically induced transparency and electromagnetically induced absorption, and for different relative polarizations of the drive and probe fields. We show that these differences allow the contributions of different processes responsible for the enhanced Kerr nonlinearity of the media to be distinguished.
We study nearly degenerate four-wave mixing using a two-photon-allowed vibrational transition of parahydrogen. A signal photon is generated by a trigger photon and coherence among parahydrogen, which is prepared by two counterpropagating pump pulses. The dependence of the signal pulse energy on the trigger frequency are investigated. The measured spectra vary depending on the geometry. They shift depending on the direction of the signal pulse and on the small angle formed by the counterpropagating pump pulses. Furthermore, the dependence of signal pulse energy on the incident time of the trigger pulse is investigated. The measured signal pulse energy is high if the trigger pulse is slightly delayed with respect to the pump pulses. We demonstrate that these geometry-dependent spectra and coherent-transient response can be explained by using simple models.
We analyze how light-induced coherent population oscillations and ground-state Zeeman coherence in an atomic medium with degenerate two-level transitions can modify spectra of applied cw resonant radiation at the sub-mW power level. The use of mutually coherent optical fields and heterodyne detection schemes allows spectral resolution at kHz level, well below the laser linewidth. We find that ground-state Zeeman coherence may facilitate nonlinear wave mixing while coherent population oscillations are responsible for phase and amplitude modulation of the applied fields. Conditions for the generation of new optical fields by nonlinear wave mixing in degenerate two-level atomic media are formulated.
We have analyzed a five-level $wedge$-configuration Four-Wave Mixing (FWM) scheme for obtaining a high-efficiency FWM based on the two electromagnetically induced transparency. We find that the maximum FWM efficiency is nearly 30%, which is orders of magnitude larger than previous schemes based on the two electromagnetically induced transparency. Our scheme may provide a new possibility for technological applications such as nonlinear spectroscopy at very low light intensity, quantum single-photon nonlinear optics and quantum information science.
We present a theoretical analysis of the propagation of light pulses through a medium of four-level atoms, with two strong pump fields and a weak signal field in an N-scheme arrangement. We show that the generation of four-wave mixing has a profound effect on the signal field group velocity and absorption, allowing the signal field propagation to be tuned from superluminal to slow light regimes with amplification.
We identify a new four-wave mixing process in which two nearly collinear pump beams produce phase-dependent gain into a weak bisector signal beam in a self-defocusing Kerr medium. Phase matching is achieved by weak-wave advancement caused by cross-phase modulation between the pump and signal beams. We relate this process to the inverse of spatial modulational instability and suggest a time-domain analog.