Foreground influence on primordial non-Gaussianity estimates: needlet analysis of WMAP 5-year data

Abstract in English

We constrain the amplitude of primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB data taking into account the presence of foreground residuals in the maps. We generalise the needlet bispectrum estimator marginalizing over the amplitudes of thermal dust, free-free and synchrotron templates. We apply our procedure to WMAP 5 year data, finding fNL= 38pm 47 (1 sigma), while the analysis without marginalization provides fNL= 35pm 42. Splitting the marginalization over each foreground separately, we found that the estimates of fNL are positively cross correlated of 17%, 12% with the dust and synchrotron respectively, while a negative cross correlation of about -10% is found for the free-free component.
