Indications of Proton-Dominated Cosmic Ray Composition above 1.6 EeV

Abstract in English

We report studies of ultra-high energy cosmic ray composition via analysis of depth of airshower maximum (Xmax), for airshower events collected by the High Resolution Flys Eye (HiRes) observatory. The HiRes data are consistent with a constant elongation rate d<Xmax>/d(log(E)) of 47.9 +- 6.0 (stat.) +- 3.2 (syst.)g/cm^2/decade for energies between 1.6 EeV and 63 EeV, and are consistent with a predominantly protonic composition of cosmic rays when interpreted via the QGSJET01 and QGSJET-II high-energy hadronic interaction models. These measurements constrain models in which the galactic-to-extragalactic transition is the cause of the energy spectrum ankle at 4 EeV.
