Large Amplitude Oscillations in Prominences

Abstract in English

Since the first reports of oscillations in prominences in 1930s there have been major theoretical and observational advances to understand the nature of these oscillatory phenomena leading to a whole new field of so called prominence seismology. There are two types of oscillatory phenomena observed in prominences; small amplitude oscillations (~2-3 km s$^{-1}$) which are quite common and large amplitude oscillations ($>$20 km s$^{-1}$) for which observations are scarce. Large amplitude oscillations have been found as winking filament in H$alpha$ as well as motion in the sky plane in H$alpha$, EUV, micro-wave and He 10830 observations. Historically, it was suggested that the large amplitude oscillations in prominences were triggered by disturbances such as fast-mode MHD waves (Moreton wave) produced by remote flares. Recent observations show, in addition, that near-by flares or jets can also create such large amplitude oscillations in prominences. Large amplitude oscillations, which are observed both in transverse as well as longitudinal direction, have a range of periods varying from tens of minutes to a couple of hours. Using the observed period of oscillation and simple theoretical models, the obtained magnetic field in prominences has shown quite a good agreement with directly measured one and therefore, justifies prominences seismology as a powerful diagnostic tool. On rare occasions, when the large amplitude oscillations have been observed before or during the eruption, the oscillations may be applied to diagnose the stability and the eruption mechanism. Here we review the recent developments and understanding in the observational properties of large amplitude oscillations and their trigger mechanisms and stability in the context of prominence seismology.
