Linear orthogonality preservers of Hilbert $C^*$-modules over $C^*$-algebras with real rank zero

Abstract in English

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra. Let $E$ and $F$ be Hilbert $A$-modules with $E$ being full. Suppose that $theta : Eto F$ is a linear map preserving orthogonality, i.e., $<theta(x), theta(y) > = 0$ whenever $<x, y > = 0$. We show in this article that if, in addition, $A$ has real rank zero, and $theta$ is an $A$-module map (not assumed to be bounded), then there exists a central positive multiplier $uin M(A)$ such that $<theta(x), theta(y) > = u < x, y>$ ($x,yin E$). In the case when $A$ is a standard $C^*$-algebra, or when $A$ is a $W^*$-algebra containing no finite type II direct summand, we also obtain the same conclusion with the assumption of $theta$ being an $A$-module map weakened to being a local map.
