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Explicit CP violation in the Dine-Seiberg-Thomas model

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 Added by Seung Woo Ham
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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The possibility of explicit CP violation is studied in a supersymmetric model proposed by Dine, Seiberg, and Thomas, with two effective dimension-five operators. The explicit CP violation may be triggered by complex phases in the coefficients for the dimension-five operators in the Higgs potential, and by a complex phase in the scalar top quark masses. Although the scenario of explicit CP violation is found to be inconsistent with the experimental data at LEP2 at the tree level, it may be possible at the one-loop level. For a reasonable parameter space, the masses of the neutral Higgs bosons and their couplings to a pair of $Z$ bosons are consistent with the LEP2 data, at the one-loop level.

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The MSSM with explicit CP violation is studied through the di-photon decay channel of the lightest neutral Higgs boson. Through the leading one-loop order H1 --> gammar.gamma is affected by a large number of Higgs-sparticle couplings, which could be complex. Our preliminary scan over the Supersymmetric parameter space shows that more than 50% average deviations are possible, in either direction, in the corresponding branching ratio, with respect to the case of the CP-conserving MSSM. In particular, our analysis shows that in the presence of a light stop (with mass ~ 200 GeV) a CP-violating phase Arg(mu) ~ 90(deg) can render the H1 --> gamma.gamma branching ratio more than 10 times larger, for suitable combinations of the other MSSM parameters.
155 - S. W. Ham , J. O. Im , S. K. OH 2008
Within the framework of the minimal non-minimal supersymmetric standard model (MNMSSM) with tadpole terms, CP violation effects in the Higgs sector are investigated at the one-loop level, where the radiative corrections from the loops of the quark and squarks of the third generation are taken into account. Assuming that the squark masses are not degenerate, the radiative corrections due to the stop and sbottom quarks give rise to CP phases, which trigger the CP violation explicitly in the Higgs sector of the MNMSSM. The masses, the branching ratios for dominant decay channels, and the total decay widths of the five neutral Higgs bosons in the MNMSSM are calculated in the presence of the explicit CP violation. The dependence of these quantities on the CP phases is quite recognizable, for given parameter values.
125 - S.W. Ham , J.O. Im , 2007
In explicit CP violation scenario of the minimal non-minimal supersymmetric standard model (MNMSSM), the possibility of a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPT) is investigated at the one-loop level, where the radiative corrections from the loops of the top and stop quarks are taken into account. Assuming that the stop quark masses are not degenerate, the radiative corrections due to the stop quarks give rise to a CP phase, which triggers the scalar-pseudoscalar mixing in the Higgs sector of the MNMSSM. The lighter stop quark need not always to have a small mass in order to ensure the strongly first-order EWPT. In the MNMSSM with explicit CP violation, it is found that the strength of the first-order EWPT depends on several factors, such as the lightest neutral Higgs boson mass and the nontrivial CP phase arising from stop quark masses. The effects of these factors are discussed.
489 - S. Hesselbach 2009
We prove the strong sensitivity of the gg --> H1 --> gamma.gamma cross section at the Large Hadron Collider on the explicitly CP-violating phases of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, where H1 is the lightest Supersymmetric Higgs boson.
113 - S.W. Ham 2001
The phenomenology of the explicit CP violation in the Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) is investigated, with emphasis on the charged Higgs boson. The radiative corrections due to both quarks and scalar-quarks of the third generation are taken into account, and the negative result of the search for the Higgs bosons at CERN LEP2, with the discovery limit of 0.1 pb, is imposed as a constraint. It is found that there are parameter regions of the NMSSM where the lightest neutral Higgs boson may even be massless, without being detected at LEP2. This implies that the LEP2 data do not contradict the existence of a massless neutral Higgs boson in the NMSSM. For the charged Higgs boson, the radiative corrections to its mass may be negative in some parameter regions of the NMSSM. The phenomenological lower bound on the radiatively corrected mass of the charged Higgs boson is increased as the CP violation becomes maximal, i.e., as the CP violating phase becomes $pi/2$. At the maximal CP violation, its lower bound is about 110 GeV for 5 $leqslant tan beta leqslant$ 40. The vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the neutral Higgs singlet is shown to be no smaller than 16 GeV for any parameter values of the NMSSM with explicit CP violation. This value of the lower limit is found to increase up to about 45 GeV as the ratio ($tan beta$) of the VEVs of the two Higgs doublets decreases to smaller values ($sim$ 2). The discovery limit of the Higgs boson search at LEP2 is found to cover about a half of the kinematically allowed part of the whole parameter space of the NMSSM, and the portion is roughly stable against the CP violating phase.
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