Efficient Linear Precoding in Downlink Cooperative Cellular Networks with Soft Interference Nulling

Abstract in English

A simple line network model is proposed to study the downlink cellular network. Without base station cooperation, the system is interference-limited. The interference limitation is overcome when the base stations are allowed to jointly encode the user signals, but the capacity-achieving dirty paper coding scheme can be too complex for practical implementation. A new linear precoding technique called soft interference nulling (SIN) is proposed, which performs at least as well as zero-forcing (ZF) beamforming under full network coordination. Unlike ZF, SIN allows the possibility of but over-penalizes interference. The SIN precoder is computed by solving a convex optimization problem, and the formulation is extended to multiple-antenna channels. SIN can be applied when only a limited number of base stations cooperate; it is shown that SIN under partial network coordination can outperform full network coordination ZF at moderate SNRs.
