Study of diamagnetic fluctuations in YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-x} and Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x}: Possible observation of phase correlations persisting above T_c

Abstract in English

We report on isofield curves of $sqrt{-M}$ vs. T, where M is the reversible magnetization, of YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.95}, YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.65}, and Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x} with the magnetic field, H, applied parallel to the c-axis of the samples (and also parallel to the ab- planes for YBaCuO). For temperatures close to the critical temperature, T_c, the quantity sqrt{-M} is proportional to the order parameter amplitude |psi|. Curves of sqrt{-M} vs. T allowed to study the asymptotic behavior of the form (T_a-T)^m of |psi| near T_c, as a function of field. Results for the studied samples produced values of T_a(H) lying above T_c, suggesting that the magnetic field gradually allows to probe a region of temperatures where phase correlations persist above T_c. The study performed here in YBaCuO samples allowed to study how phase correlations evolve with doping in the pseudo-gap region of YBaCuO. sqrt{-M} vs. T curves for all samples show a rather large amplitude fluctuation with no phase correlation extending well above T_a(H) which is interpreted in terms of a Gaussian Ginzburg-Landau approach with a {total-energy} cutoff in the fluctuation spectrum. Resulting values for the exponent m found for all samples, 0.5 < m < 0.7, are interpreted as due to phase fluctuations of the d-wave pairing symmetry of the order parameter in the ab- planes.
