The RASS--6dFGS catalogue: a sample of X-ray selected AGN from the 6dF Galaxy Survey

Abstract in English

We present a catalogue of 3405 X-ray sources from the ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) Bright Source Catalogue which fall within the area covered by the 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS). The catalogue is count-rate limited at 0.05 ctss in the X-ray and covers the area of sky with delta < 0 deg and |b|>10 deg. The RASS--6dFGS sample was one of the additional target catalogues of the 6dFGS and as a result we obtained optical spectra for 2224 (65%) RASS sources. Of these, 1715 (77%) have reliable redshifts with a median redshift of z=0.16 (excluding the Galactic sources). For the optically bright sources (b_J < 17.5) in the observed sample, over 90% have reliable redshifts. The catalogue mainly comprises QSOs and active galaxies but also includes 238 Galactic sources. Of the sources with reliable redshifts the majority are Type 1 AGN (69%), while 12% are Type 2 AGN, 6% absorption-line galaxies and 13% are stars. We also identify a small number of optically-faint, very low redshift, compact objects which fall outside the general trend in the b_J-z plane. We detect 918 sources (27%) of the RASS--6dFGS sample in the radio using either the 1.4 GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) or the 843 MHz Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS) catalogues and find that the detection rate changes with redshift. At redshifts larger than 1 virtually all of these sources have radio counterparts and with a median flux density of 1.15 Jy, they are much stronger than the median flux density of 28.6 mJy for the full sample. We attribute this to the fact that the X-ray flux of these objects is being boosted by a jet component, possibly Doppler boosted, that is only present in radio-loud AGN. (abridged version)
