Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission: VII. The hot-Jupiter-type planet CoRoT-5b

Abstract in English

Aims. The CoRoT space mission continues to photometrically monitor about 12 000 stars in its field-of-view for a series of target fields to search for transiting extrasolar planets ever since 2007. Deep transit signals can be detected quickly in the alarm-mode in parallel to the ongoing target field monitoring. CoRoTs first planets have been detected in this mode. Methods. The CoRoT raw lightcurves are filtered for orbital residuals, outliers, and low-frequency stellar signals. The phase folded lightcurve is used to fit the transit signal and derive the main planetary parameters. Radial velocity follow-up observations were initiated to secure the detection and to derive the planet mass. Results. We report the detection of CoRoT-5b, detected during observations of the LRa01 field, the first long-duration field in the galactic anticenter direction. CoRoT-5b is a hot Jupiter-type planet with a radius of 1.388(+0.046, -0.047) R_Jup, a mass of 0.467(+0.047, -0.024) M_Jup, and therefore, a mean density of 0.217(+0.031, -0.025) g cm-3. The planet orbits an F9V star of 14.0 mag in 4.0378962 +/- 0.0000019 days at an orbital distance of 0.04947(+0.00026, -0.00029) AU.
