An estimate of the local ISW signal, and its impact on CMB anomalies

Abstract in English

We estimate the local density field in redshift shells to a maximum redshift of z=0.3, using photometric redshifts for the 2MASS galaxy catalogue, matched to optical data from the SuperCOSMOS galaxy catalogue. This density-field map is used to predict the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) CMB anisotropies that originate within the volume at z<0.3. We investigate the impact of this estimated ISW foreground signal on large-scale anomalies in the WMAP CMB data. We find that removal of the foreground ISW signal from WMAP data reduces the significance of a number of reported large-scale anomalies in the CMB, including the low quadrupole power and the apparent alignment between the CMB quadrupole and octopole.
