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Numerical and Theoretical Study of a Monodisperse Hard-Sphere Glass Former

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 Added by Patrick Charbonneau
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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There exists a variety of theories of the glass transition and many more numerical models. But because the models need built-in complexity to prevent crystallization, comparisons with theory can be difficult. We study the dynamics of a deeply supersaturated emph{monodisperse} four-dimensional (4D) hard-sphere fluid, which has no such complexity, but whose strong intrinsic geometrical frustration inhibits crystallization, even when deeply supersaturated. As an application, we compare its behavior to the mode-coupling theory (MCT) of glass formation. We find MCT to describe this system better than any other structural glass formers in lower dimensions. The reduction in dynamical heterogeneity in 4D suggested by a milder violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation could explain the agreement. These results are consistent with a mean-field scenario of the glass transition.

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We analytically and numerically characterize the structure of hard-sphere fluids in order to review various geometrical frustration scenarios of the glass transition. We find generalized polytetrahedral order to be correlated with increasing fluid packing fraction, but to become increasingly irrelevant with increasing dimension. We also find the growth in structural correlations to be modest in the dynamical regime accessible to computer simulations.
131 - Swaroop Chatterjee , 2006
We use the extension of scaled particle theory (ESPT) presented in the accompanying paper [Stillinger et al. J. Chem. Phys. xxx, xxx (2007)] to calculate numerically pair correlation function of the hard sphere fluid over the density range $0leq rhosigma^3leq 0.96$. Comparison with computer simulation results reveals that the new theory is able to capture accurately the fluids structure across the entire density range examined. The pressure predicted via the virial route is systematically lower than simulation results, while that obtained using the compressibility route is lower than simulation predictions for $rhosigma^3leq 0.67$ and higher than simulation predictions for $rhosigma^3geq 0.67$. Numerical predictions are also presented for the surface tension and Tolman length of the hard sphere fluid.
Recent theoretical advances predict the existence, deep into the glass phase, of a novel phase transition, the so-called Gardner transition. This transition is associated with the emergence of a complex free energy landscape composed of many marginally stable sub-basins within a glass metabasin. In this study, we explore several methods to detect numerically the Gardner transition in a simple structural glass former, the infinite-range Mari-Kurchan model. The transition point is robustly located from three independent approaches: (i) the divergence of the characteristic relaxation time, (ii) the divergence of the caging susceptibility, and (iii) the abnormal tail in the probability distribution function of cage order parameters. We show that the numerical results are fully consistent with the theoretical expectation. The methods we propose may also be generalized to more realistic numerical models as well as to experimental systems.
163 - Jared Callaham , Jon Machta 2017
Population annealing is a sequential Monte Carlo scheme well-suited to simulating equilibrium states of systems with rough free energy landscapes. Here we use population annealing to study a binary mixture of hard spheres. Population annealing is a parallel version of simulated annealing with an extra resampling step that ensures that a population of replicas of the system represents the equilibrium ensemble at every packing fraction in an annealing schedule. The algorithm and its equilibration properties are described and results are presented for a glass-forming fluid composed of a 50/50 mixture of hard spheres with diameter ratio of 1.4:1. For this system, we obtain precise results for the equation of state in the glassy regime up to packing fractions $varphi approx 0.60$ and study deviations from the BMCSL equation of state. For higher packing fractions, the algorithm falls out of equilibrium and a free volume fit predicts jamming at packing fraction $varphi approx 0.667$. We conclude that population annealing is an effective tool for studying equilibrium glassy fluids and the jamming transition.
We study the thermodynamic and dynamic phase transitions in two-dimensional polydisperse hard disks using Monte Carlo methods. A conventional local Monte Carlo algorithm allows us to observe a dynamic liquid-glass transition at a density, which depends very little on the degree of polydispersity. We furthermore apply Monte Carlo methods which sample the Boltzmann equilibrium distribution at any value of the density and polydispersity, and remain ergodic even far within the glass. We find that the dynamical transition is not accompanied by a thermodynamic transition in this two-dimensional system so that the glass is thermodynamically identical to the liquid. Moreover, we scrutinize the polydispersity-driven transition from the crystal into the disordered phase (liquid or glass). Our results indicate the presence of a continuous (Kosterlitz-Thouless type) transition upon increase of the polydispersity.
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