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Long range rapidity correlations and jet production in high energy nuclear collisions

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 Added by Joern Putschke
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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The STAR Collaboration at RHIC presents a systematic study of high transverse momentum charged di-hadron correlations at small azimuthal pair separation dphino, in d+Au and central Au+Au collisions at $rts = 200$ GeV. Significant correlated yield for pairs with large longitudinal separation deta is observed in central Au+Au, in contrast to d+Au collisions. The associated yield distribution in detano$times$dphi can be decomposed into a narrow jet-like peak at small angular separation which has a similar shape to that found in d+Au collisions, and a component which is narrow in dphi and textcolor{black}{depends only weakly on} $deta$, the ridge. Using two systematically independent analyses, textcolor{black}{finite ridge yield} is found to persist for trigger $pt > 6$ GeVc, indicating that it is correlated with jet production. The transverse momentum spectrum of hadrons comprising the ridge is found to be similar to that of bulk particle production in the measured range ($2 < pt < 4 GeVc$).

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109 - K. Schweda , X. Zhu , M. Bleicher 2006
We propose to measure azimuthal correlations of heavy-flavor hadrons to address the status of thermalization at the partonic stage of light quarks and gluons in high-energy nuclear collisions. In particular, we show that hadronic interactions at the late stage cannot significantly disturb the initial back-to-back azimuthal correlations of DDbar pairs. Thus, a decrease or the complete absence of these initial correlations does indicate frequent interactions of heavy-flavor quarks and also light partons in the partonic stage, which are essential for the early thermalization of light partons.
107 - E. Gotsman 2015
In this paper we continue our program to build a model for high energy soft interactions, that is based on the CGC/saturation approach.The main result of this paper is that we have discovered a mechanism that leads to large long range rapidity correlations, and results in large values of the correlation function $RLb y_1,y_2Rb ,geq ,1$, which is independent of $y_1$ and $ y_2$. Such behaviour of the correlation function, provides strong support for the idea, that at high energies the system of partons that is produced, is not only dense, but also has strong attractive forces acting between the partons.
81 - R. Debbe 2006
This report describes the recent analysis of identified charged particle production at high rapidity performed on data collected from p+p collisions at RHIC (sqrt{s}=200 GeV). The extracted invariant cross-sections compare well to NLO pQCD calculations. However, a puzzling high yield of protons at high rapidity and p_T has been found.
This is a review of the theoretical background, experimental techniques, and phenomenology of what is called the Glauber Model in relativistic heavy ion physics. This model is used to calculate geometric quantities, which are typically expressed as impact parameter (b), number of participating nucleons (N_part) and number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions (N_coll). A brief history of the original Glauber model is presented, with emphasis on its development into the purely classical, geometric picture that is used for present-day data analyses. Distinctions are made between the optical limit and Monte Carlo approaches, which are often used interchangably but have some essential differences in particular contexts. The methods used by the four RHIC experiments are compared and contrasted, although the end results are reassuringly similar for the various geometric observables. Finally, several important RHIC measurements are highlighted that rely on geometric quantities, estimated from Glauber calculations, to draw insight from experimental observables. The status and future of Glauber modeling in the next generation of heavy ion physics studies is briefly discussed.
71 - Sa Wang , Wei Dai , Ben-Wei Zhang 2020
The production of vector boson tagged heavy quark jets provides potentially new tools to study jet quenching, especially the mass hierarchy of parton energy loss. In this work, we present the first theoretical study on $Z^0,+,$b-jet in heavy-ion collisions. Firstly utilizing a Monte Carlo transport model, our simulations give nice descriptions of the azimuthal angle correlation $Deltaphi_{jZ}$, transverse momentum imbalance $x_{jZ}$ for $Z^0,+,$jet as well as the nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$ of inclusive b-jet in Pb+Pb collisions. Then we calculate the azimuthal angular correlation $Deltaphi_{bZ}$ of $Z^0,+,$b-jet and $Deltaphi_{bb}$ of $Z^0,+,2,$b-jets in central Pb+Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}}=$~5.02 TeV. We find that the medium modification of the azimuthal angular correlation for $Z^0,+,$b-jet has a weaker dependence on $Deltaphi_{bZ}$, as compared to that for $Z^0,+,$jet. With the high purity of quark jet in $Z^0,+,$(b-)jet production, we calculate the momentum imbalance distribution of $x_{bZ}$ of $Z^0,+,$b-jet in Pb+Pb collisions. We observe a smaller shifting of the mean value of momentum imbalance for $Z^0,+,$b-jet in Pb+Pb collisions $Deltaleftlangle x_{bZ} rightrangle$, as compared to that for $Z^0,+,$jet. In addition, we investigate the nuclear modification factors of tagged jet cross sections $I_{AA}$, and show a much stronger suppression of $I_{AA}$ in $Z^0,+,$jet than that of $Z^0,+,$b-jet in central Pb+Pb collisions.
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