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Measurements of proton induced reaction cross sections on 120Te for the astrophysical p-process

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 Added by Recep Taygun Guray
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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The total cross sections for the 120Te(p,gamma)121I and 120Te(p,n)120I reactions have been measured by the activation method in the effective center-of-mass energies between 2.47 MeV and 7.93 MeV. The targets were prepared by evaporation of 99.4 % isotopically enriched 120Te on Aluminum and Carbon backing foils, and bombarded with proton beams provided by the FN tandem accelerator at the University of Notre Dame. The cross sections and $S$ factors were deduced from the observed gamma ray activity, which was detected off-line by two Clover HPGe detectors mounted in close geometry. The results are presented and compared with the predictions of statistical model calculations using the codes NON-SMOKER and TALYS.

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As a continuation of a systematic study of reactions relevant to the astrophysical p process, the cross sections of the 74,76Se(p,gamma)75,77Br and 82Se(p,n)82Br reactions have been measured at energies from 1.3 to 3.6 MeV using an activation technique. The results are compared to the predictions of Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations using the NON-SMOKER and MOST codes. The sensitivity of the calculations to variations in the optical proton potential and the nuclear level density was studied. Good agreement between theoretical and experimental reaction rates was found for the reactions 74Se(p,gamma)75Br and 82Se(p,n)82Br.
The 106Cd(alpha,gamma)110Sn reaction cross section has been measured in the energy range of the Gamow window for the astrophysical p-process scenario. The cross sections for 106Cd(alpha,n)109Sn and for 106Cd(alpha,p)109In below the (alpha,n) threshold have also been determined. The results are compared with predictions of the statistical model code NON-SMOKER using different input parameters. The comparison shows that a discrepancy for 106Cd(alpha,gamma)110Sn when using the standard optical potentials can be removed with a different alpha+106Cd potential. Some astrophysical implications are discussed.
150 - G. G. Kiss , T. Szucs , T.Rauscher 2014
The cross sections of the 162Er(a,g,)166Yb and 162Er(a,n)165Yb reactions have been measured for the first time. The radiative alpha capture reaction cross section was measured from Ec.m. = 16.09 down to Ec.m. = 11.21 MeV, close to the astrophysically relevant region (which lies between 7.8 and 11.48 MeV at 3 GK stellar temperature). The 162Er(a,n)165Yb reaction was studied above the reaction threshold between Ec.m. = 12.19 and 16.09 MeV. The fact that the 162Er(a,g)166Yb cross sections were measured below the (a,n) threshold at first time in this mass region opens the opportunity to study directly the a-widths required for the determination of astrophysical reaction rates. The data clearly show that compound nucleus formation in this reaction proceeds differently than previously predicted.
The total cross sections for the $^{152}$Gd(p,$gamma$)$^{153}$Tb and $^{152}$Gd(p,n)$^{152}$Tb reactions have been measured by the activation method at effective center-of-mass energies mbox{$3.47 leq E_mathrm{c.m.}^mathrm{eff}leq 7.94$ MeV} and mbox{$4.96 leq E_mathrm{c.m.}^mathrm{eff} leq 7.94$ MeV}, respectively. The targets were prepared by evaporation of 30.6% isotopically enriched $^{152}$Gd oxide on aluminum backing foils, and bombarded with proton beams provided by a cyclotron accelerator. The cross sections were deduced from the observed $gamma$-ray activity, which was detected off-line by a HPGe detector in a low background environment. The results are presented and compared with predictions of statistical model calculations. This comparison supports a modified optical proton+$^{152}$Gd potential suggested earlier.
113 - G.G. Kiss , Gy. Gyurky , Z. Elekes 2007
The cross sections of the 70Ge(p,gamma)71As and 76Ge(p,n)76As reactions have been measured with the activation method in the Gamow window for the astrophysical p process. The experiments were carried out at the Van de Graaff and cyclotron accelerators of ATOMKI. The cross sections have been derived by measuring the decay gamma-radiation of the reaction products. The results are compared to the predictions of Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations using the code NON-SMOKER. Good agreement between theoretical and experimental S factors is found. Based on the new data, modifications of the optical potential used for low-energy protons are discussed.
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