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Thermodynamic witness of quantum probing

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 Added by H. Dong
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The thermodynamic influence of quantum probing on an object is studied. Here, quantum probing is understood as a pre-measurement based on a non-demolition interaction, which records some information of the probed object, but does not change its energy state when both the probing apparatus and the probed object are isolated from the environment. It is argued that when the probing apparatus and the probed object are immersed in a same equilibrium environment, the probing can affect the effective temperature of the object or induce a quantum isothermal process for the object to transfer its energy. This thermodynamic feature can be regarded as a witness of the existence of quantum probing even if the quantum probing would not disturb the object if the environment were not present.

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77 - Hippolyte Dourdent 2018
The notion of contextuality, which emerges from a theorem established by Simon Kochen and Ernst Specker (1960-1967) and by John Bell (1964-1966), is certainly one of the most fundamental aspects of quantum weirdness. If it is a questioning on scholastic philosophy and a study of contrafactual logic that led Specker to his demonstration with Kochen, it was a criticism of von Neumanns proof that led John Bell to the result. A misinterpretation of this famous proof will lead them to diametrically opposite conclusions. Over the last decades, remarkable theoretical progresses have been made on the subject in the context of the study of quantum foundations and quantum information. Thus, the graphic generalizations of Cabello-Severini-Winter and Acin-Fritz-Leverrier-Sainz raise the question of the connection between non-locality and contextuality. It is also the case of the sheaf-theoretic approach of Samson Abramsky et al., which also invites us to compare contextuality with the logical structure of certain classical logical paradoxes. Another approach, initiated by Robert Spekkens, generalizes the concept to any type of experimental procedure. This new form of universal contextuality has been raised as a criterion of non-classicality, i.e. of weirdness. It notably led to identify the nature of curious quantum paradoxes involving post-selections and weak measurements. In the light of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the Kochen-Specker theorem, this report aims to introduce these results little known to the French scientific public, in the context of an investigation on the nature of the weirdness of quantum physics.
Understanding gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics is one of the great challenges in modern physics. Along this line, a prime question is to find whether gravity is a quantum entity subject to the rules of quantum mechanics. It is fair to say that there are no feasible ideas yet to test the quantum coherent behaviour of gravity directly in a laboratory experiment. Here, we introduce an idea for such a test based on the principle that two objects cannot be entangled without a quantum mediator. We show that despite the weakness of gravity, the phase evolution induced by the gravitational interaction of two micron size test masses in adjacent matter-wave interferometers can detectably entangle them even when they are placed far apart enough to keep Casimir-Polder forces at bay. We provide a prescription for witnessing this entanglement, which certifies gravity as a quantum coherent mediator, through simple correlation measurements between two spins: one embedded in each test mass. Fundamentally, the above entanglement is shown to certify the presence of non-zero off-diagonal terms in the coherent state basis of the gravitational field modes.
A new criterium to detect the entanglement present in a {it hyperentangled state}, based on the evaluation of an entanglement witness, is presented. We show how some witnesses recently introduced for graph states, measured by only two local settings, can be used in this case. We also define a new witness $W_3$ that improves the resistance to noise by increasing the number of local measurements.
235 - Philippe Faist , Mario Berta , 2019
Recent understanding of the thermodynamics of small-scale systems have enabled the characterization of the thermodynamic requirements of implementing quantum processes for fixed input states. Here, we extend these results to construct optimal universal implementations of a given process, that is, implementations that are accurate for any possible input state even after many independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) repetitions of the process. We find that the optimal work cost rate of such an implementation is given by the thermodynamic capacity of the process, which is a single-letter and additive quantity defined as the maximal difference in relative entropy to the thermal state between the input and the output of the channel. As related results we find a new single-shot implementation of time-covariant processes and conditional erasure with nontrivial Hamiltonians, a new proof of the asymptotic equipartition property of the coherent relative entropy, and an optimal implementation of any i.i.d. process with thermal operations for a fixed i.i.d. input state. Beyond being a thermodynamic analogue of the reverse Shannon theorem for quantum channels, our results introduce a new notion of quantum typicality and present a thermodynamic application of convex-split methods.
The development of spectroscopic techniques able to detect and verify quantum coherence is a goal of increasing importance given the rapid progress of new quantum technologies, the advances in the field of quantum thermodynamics, and the emergence of new questions in chemistry and biology regarding the possible relevance of quantum coherence in biochemical processes. Ideally, these tools should be able to detect and verify the presence of quantum coherence in both the transient dynamics and the steady state of driven-dissipative systems, such as light-harvesting complexes driven by thermal photons in natural conditions. This requirement poses a challenge for standard laser spectroscopy methods. Here, we propose photon correlation measurements as a new tool to analyse quantum dynamics in molecular aggregates in driven-dissipative situations. We show that the photon correlation statistics on the light emitted by a molecular dimer model can signal the presence of coherent dynamics. Deviations from the counting statistics of independent emitters constitute a direct fingerprint of quantum coherence in the steady state. Furthermore, the analysis of frequency resolved photon correlations can signal the presence of coherent dynamics even in the absence of steady state coherence, providing direct spectroscopic access to the much sought-after site energies in molecular aggregates.
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