The computer simulations of the process of single pulse readout from the flux-biased phase qubit is performed in the frame of one-dimensional Schroedinger equation. It has been demonstrated that the readout error can be minimized by choosing the optimal pulse duration and the depth of a potential well, leading to the fidelity of 0.94 for 2ns and 0.965 for 12ns sinusoidal pulses.
Determination of qubit initialisation and measurement fidelity is important for the overall performance of a quantum computer. However, the method by which it is calculated in semiconductor qubits varies between experiments. In this paper we present a full theoretical analysis of electronic single-shot readout and describe critical parameters to achieve high fidelity readout. In particular, we derive a model for energy selective state readout based on a charge detector response and examine how to optimise the fidelity by choosing correct experimental parameters. Although we focus on single electron spin readout, the theory presented can be applied to other electronic readout techniques in semiconductors that use a reservoir.
In the design of quantum computer architectures that take advantage of the long coherence times of dopant nuclear and electron spins in the solid-state, single-spin detection for readout remains a crucial unsolved problem. Schemes based on adiabatically induced spin-dependent electron tunnelling between individual donor atoms, detected using a single electron transistor (SET) as an ultra-sensitive electrometer, are thought to be problematic because of the low ionisaton energy of the final D- state. In this paper we analyse the adiabatic scheme in detail. We find that despite significant stabilization due to the presence of the D+, the field strengths required for the transition lead to a shortened dwell-time placing severe constraints on the SET measurement time. We therefore investigate a new method based on resonant electron transfer, which operates with much reduced field strengths. Various issues in the implementation of this method are also discussed.
The speed of quantum gates and measurements is a decisive factor for the overall fidelity of quantum protocols when performed on physical qubits with finite coherence time. Reducing the time required to distinguish qubit states with high fidelity is therefore a critical goal in quantum information science. The state-of-the-art readout of superconducting qubits is based on the dispersive interaction with a readout resonator. Here, we bring this technique to its current limit and demonstrate how the careful design of system parameters leads to fast and high-fidelity measurements without affecting qubit coherence. We achieve this result by increasing the dispersive interaction strength, by choosing an optimal linewidth of the readout resonator, by employing a Purcell filter, and by utilizing phase-sensitive parametric amplification. In our experiment, we measure 98.25% readout fidelity in only 48 ns, when minimizing read-out time, and 99.2% in 88 ns, when maximizing the fidelity, limited predominantly by the qubit lifetime of 7.6 us. The presented scheme is also expected to be suitable for integration into a multiplexed readout architecture.
We analyze a readout scheme for Majorana qubits based on dispersive coupling to a resonator. We consider two variants of Majorana qubits: the Majorana transmon and the Majorana box qubit. In both cases, the qubit-resonator interaction can produce sizeable dispersive shifts in the MHz range for reasonable system parameters, allowing for submicrosecond readout with high fidelity. For Majorana transmons, the light-matter interaction used for readout manifestly conserves Majorana parity, which leads to a notion of quantum nondemolition (QND) readout that is stronger than for conventional charge qubits. In contrast, Majorana box qubits only recover an approximately QND readout mechanism in the dispersive limit where the resonator detuning is large. We also compare dispersive readout to longitudinal readout for the Majorana box qubit. We show that the latter gives faster and higher fidelity readout for reasonable parameters, while having the additional advantage of being manifestly QND, and so may prove to be a better readout mechanism for these systems.
We analyze a two-level quantum system, describing the phase qubit, during a single-pulse readout process by a numerical solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation. It has been demonstrated that the readout error has a minimum for certain values of the system`s basic parameters. In particular, the optimization of the qubit capacitance and the readout pulse shape leads to significant reduction of the readout error. It is shown that in an ideal case the fidelity can be increased to almost 97% for 2 ns pulse duration and to 96% for 1 ns pulse duration.