We report the first experimental observation of non-adiabatic field-free orientation of a heteronuclear diatomic molecule (CO) induced by an intense two-color (800 and 400 nm) femtosecond laser field. We monitor orientation by measuring fragment ion angular distributions after Coulomb explosion with an 800 nm pulse. The orientation of the molecules is controlled by the relative phase of the two-color field. The results are compared to quantum mechanical rigid rotor calculations. The demonstrated method can be applied to study molecular frame dynamics under field-free conditions in conjunction with a variety of spectroscopy methods, such as high-harmonic generation, electron diffraction and molecular frame photoemission.
We explore a pure optical method for enantioselective orientation of chiral molecules by means of laser fields with twisted polarization. Several field implementations are considered, including a pair of delayed cross-polarized laser pulses, an optical centrifuge, and polarization shaped pulses. The underlying classical orientation mechanism common for all these fields is discussed, and its operation is demonstrated for a range of chiral molecules of various complexity: hydrogen thioperoxide (${rm HSOH}$), propylene oxide (${rm CH_{3}CHCH_{2}O}$) and ethyl oxirane (${rm CH_{3}CH_{2}CHCH_{2}O}$). The presented results demonstrate generality, versatility and robustness of this optical method for manipulating molecular enantiomers in the gas phase.
Molecular chirality is an omnipresent phenomenon of fundamental significance in physics, chemistry and biology. For this reason, search for novel techniques for enantioselective control, detection and separation of chiral molecules is of particular importance. It has been recently predicted that laser fields with twisted polarization may induce persistent enantioselective field-free orientation of chiral molecules. Here we report the first experimental observation of this phenomenon using propylene oxide molecules ($mathrm{CH_{3}CHCH_{2}O}$, or PPO) spun by an optical centrifuge - a laser pulse, whose linear polarization undergoes an accelerated rotation around its propagation direction. We show that PPO molecules remain oriented on a time scale exceeding the duration of the centrifuge pulse by several orders of magnitude. The demonstrated long-time field-free enantioselective orientation opens new avenues for optical manipulation, discrimination, and, potentially, separation of molecular enantiomers.
Alignment and orientation of molecules by intense, ultrashort laser fields are crucial for a variety of applications in physics and chemistry. These include control of high harmonics generation, molecular orbitals tomography, control of molecular photoionization and dissociation processes, production of molecular movies with the help of X-ray free-electron laser sources and ultrafast electron diffraction of relativistic electrons. While the dynamics of laser-induced molecular alignment has been extensively studied and demonstrated, molecular orientation is a much more challenging task, especially for asymmetric-top molecules. Here we report the first experimental demonstration of a field-free, all-optical three-dimensional orientation of asymmetric-top molecules by means of phase-locked cross-polarized two-color laser pulses. In addition to the conventional integrated orientation factor, we report the differential degree of orientation which is not amenable to optical measurements, but is readily accessible in our angle-resolved imaging technique. Our scheme applies to a wide class of asymmetric molecules and opens new ways towards controlling their orientation, eventually leading to direct imaging of structure of gas-phase molecules using advanced free electron laser beams with extremely high spatiotemporal resolution.
The transition between two distinct mechanisms for the laser-induced field-free orientation of CO molecules is observed via measurements of orientation revival times and subsequent comparison to theoretical calculations. In the first mechanism, which we find responsible for the orientation of CO up to peak intensities of 8 x 10^13 W/cm^2, the molecules are impulsively oriented through the hyperpolarizability interaction. At higher intensities, asymmetric depletion through orientation-selective ionization is the dominant orienting mechanism. In addition to the clear identification of the two regimes of orientation, we propose that careful measurements of the onset of the orientation depletion mechanism as a function of the laser intensity will provide a relatively simple route to calibrate absolute rates of non-perturbative strong-field molecular ionization.
We study interaction of generic asymmetric molecules with a pair of strong time-delayed short laser pulses with crossed linear polarizations. We show that such an excitation not only provides unidirectional rotation of the most polarizable molecular axis, but also induces a directed torque along this axis, which results in the transient orientation of the molecules. The asymmetric molecules are chiral in nature and different molecular enantiomers experience the orienting action in opposite directions causing out-of-phase oscillation of their dipole moments. The resulting microwave radiation was recently suggested to be used for analysis/discrimination of chiral molecular mixtures. We reveal the mechanism behind this laser induced orientation effect, show that it is classical in nature, and envision further applications of light with skewed polarization.