Probing the Origins of the CIV and Fe Kalpha Baldwin Effect

Abstract in English

We use UV/optical and X-ray observations of 272 radio-quiet Type 1 AGNs and quasars to investigate the CIV Baldwin Effect (BEff). The UV/optical spectra are drawn from the Hubble Space Telescope, International Ultraviolet Explorer and Sloan Digital Sky Survey archives. The X-ray spectra are from the Chandra and XMM-Newton archives. We apply correlation and partial-correlation analyses to the equivalent widths, continuum monochromatic luminosities, and alpha_ox, which characterizes the relative X-ray to UV brightness. The equivalent width of the CIV 1549 emission line is correlated with both alpha_ox and luminosity. We find that by regressing l_UV with EW(CIV) and alpha_ox, we can obtain tighter correlations than by regressing l_UV with only EW(CIV). Both correlation and regression analyses imply that l_UV is not the only factor controlling the changes of EW(CIV); alpha_ox (or, equivalently, the soft X-ray emission) plays a fundamental role in the formation and variation of CIV. Variability contributes at least 60% of the scatter of the EW(CIV)-l_UV relation and at least 75% of the scatter of the of the EW(CIV)-alpha_ox relation. In our sample, narrow Fe Kalpha 6.4 keV emission lines are detected in 50 objects. Although narrow Fe Kalpha exhibits a BEff similar to that of CIV, its equivalent width has almost no dependence on either alpha_ox or EW(CIV). This suggests that the majority of narrow Fe Kalpha emission is unlikely to be produced in the broad emission-line region. We do find suggestive correlations between the emission-line luminosities of CIV and Fe Kalpha, which could be potentially used to estimate the detectability of the Fe Kalpha line of quasars from rest-frame UV spectroscopic observations.
