Brane Gravitational Extension of Diracs Extensible Model of the Electron

Abstract in English

A gravitational extension of Diracs Extensible model of the electron is presented. The Dirac bubble, treated as a 3-dim electrically charged brane, is dynamically embedded within a 4-dim $Z_{2}$-symmetric Reissner-Nordstrom bulk. Crucial to our analysis is the gravitational extension of Diracs brane variation prescription; its major effect is to induce a novel geometrically originated contribution to the energy-momentum tensor on the brane. In turn, the effective potential which governs the evolution of the bubble exhibits a global minimum, such that the size of the bubble stays finite (Planck scale) even at the limit where the mass approaches zero. This way, without fine-tuning, one avoids the problem so-called classical radius of the electron.
