Transient detections and other real-time data processing from wide-field chambers MASTER-VWF

Abstract in English

At present time Robotic observatory making is of current importance. Having a large field of view and being able to point at anywhere, Robotic astronomical systems are indispensable when they looking for transients like grb, supernovae explosions, novae etc, as its impossible in these cases to foresee what you should point you telescope at and when. In work are described prompt GRB observations received on wide-field chambers MASTER-VWF, and also methods of the images analysis and transients classifications applied in real-time data processing in this experiment. For 7 months of operation 6 synchronous observations of gamma-ray burst had been made by MASTER VWF in Kislovodsk and Irkutsk. In all cases a high upper limits have been received (see tabl ref {tab_grbwf} and fig. ref {allgrb}).
