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Fermi-LAT Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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 Added by Nicola Omodei
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Nicola Omodei

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The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope observatory is a pair conversion telescope sensitive to gamma-rays over more than four energy decades, between 20 MeV and more than 300 GeV. Acting in synergy with the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) - the other instrument onboard the mission - the LAT features unprecedented sensitivity for the study of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in terms of spectral coverage, effective area, and instrumental dead time. We will review the main results from Fermi-LAT observation of GRB, presenting the main properties of GRBs at GeV energies.

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Some Quantum Gravity (QG) theories allow for a violation of Lorentz invariance (LIV), manifesting as a dependence of the velocity of light in vacuum on its energy. If such a dependence exists, then photons of different energies emitted together by a distant source will arrive at the Earth at different times. High-energy (GeV) transient emissions from distant astrophysical sources such as Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) and Active Galaxy Nuclei can be used to search for and constrain LIV. The Fermi collaboration has previously analyzed two GRBs in order to put constraints on the dispersion parameter in vacuum, and on the energy scale at which QG effects causing LIV may arise. We used three different methods on four bright GRBs observed by the Fermi-LAT to get more stringent and robust constraints. No delays have been detected and strong limits on the QG energy scale are derived: for linear dispersion we set tight constraints placing the QG energy scale above the Planck mass; a quadratic leading LIV effect is also constrained.
We perform a comprehensive stacking analysis of data collected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) localized by the Swift spacecraft, which were not detected by the LAT but which fell within the instruments field of view at the time of trigger. We examine a total of 79 GRBs by comparing the observed counts over a range of time intervals to that expected from designated background orbits, as well as by using a joint likelihood technique to model the expected distribution of stacked counts. We find strong evidence for subthreshold emission at MeV to GeV energies using both techniques. This observed excess is detected during intervals that include and exceed the durations typically characterizing the prompt emission observed at keV energies and lasts at least 2700 s after the co-aligned burst trigger. By utilizing a novel cumulative likelihood analysis, we find that although a bursts prompt gamma-ray and afterglow X-ray flux both correlate with the strength of the subthreshold emission, the X-ray afterglow flux measured by Swifts X-ray Telescope (XRT) at 11 hr post trigger correlates far more significantly. Overall, the extended nature of the subthreshold emission and its connection to the bursts afterglow brightness lend further support to the external forward shock origin of the late-time emission detected by the LAT. These results suggest that the extended high-energy emission observed by the LAT may be a relatively common feature but remains undetected in a majority of bursts owing to instrumental threshold effects.
We present broadband (radio, optical, and X-ray) light curves and spectra of the afterglows of four long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs 090323, 090328, 090902B, and 090926A) detected by the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) and Large Area Telescope (LAT) instruments on the Fermi satellite. With its wide spectral bandpass, extending to GeV energies, Fermi is sensitive to GRBs with very large isotropic energy releases (10e54 erg). Although rare, these events are particularly important for testing GRB central-engine models. When combined with spectroscopic redshifts, our afterglow data for these four events are able to constrain jet collimation angles, the density structure of the circumburst medium, and both the true radiated energy release and the kinetic energy of the outflows. In agreement with our earlier work, we find that the relativistic energy budget of at least one of these events (GRB 090926A) exceeds the canonical value of 10e51 erg by an order of magnitude. Such energies pose a severe challenge for models in which the GRB is powered by a magnetar or neutrino-driven collapsar, but remain compatible with theoretical expectations for magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) collapsar models. Our jet opening angles (theta) are similar to those found for pre-Fermi GRBs, but the large initial Lorentz factors (Gamma_0) inferred from the detection of GeV photons imply theta Gamma_0 ~ 70-90, values which are above those predicted in MHD models of jet acceleration. Finally, we find that these Fermi-LAT events preferentially occur in a low-density circumburst environment, and we speculate that this might result from the lower mass-loss rates of their lower-metallicity progenitor stars. Future studies of Fermi-LAT afterglows in the radio with the order-of-magnitude improvement in sensitivity offered by the EVLA should definitively establish the relativistic energy budgets of these events.
142 - Giacomo Vianello 2013
The Fermi observatory, with its Gamma-Ray Bursts monitor (GBM) and Large Area Telescope (LAT), is observing Gamma-ray Bursts with unprecedented spectral coverage and sensitivity, from ~10 keV to > 300 GeV. In the first 3 years of the mission it observed emission above 100 MeV from 35 GRBs, an order of magnitude gain with respect to previous observations in this energy range. In this paper we review the main results obtained on such sample, highlighting also the relationships with the low-energy features (as measured by the GBM), and with measurements from observatories at other wavelengths. We also briefly discuss prospects for detection of GRBs by future Very-High Energy observatories such as HAWC and CTA, and by Gravitational Wave experiments.
The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on Fermi has detected ~150 gamma-ray pulsars, about a third of which were discovered in blind searches of the $gamma$-ray data. Because the angular resolution of the LAT is relatively poor and blind searches for pulsars (especially millisecond pulsars, MSPs) are very sensitive to an error in the position, one must typically scan large numbers of locations. Identifying plausible X-ray counterparts of a putative pulsar drastically reduces the number of trials, thus improving the sensitivity of pulsar blind searches with the LAT. I discuss our ongoing program of Swift, XMM-Newton, and Chandra observations of LAT unassociated sources in the context of our blind searches for gamma-ray pulsars.
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