Evolution of the X-ray Luminosity in Young HII Galaxies

Abstract in English

In an effort to understand the correlation between X-ray emission and present star formation rate (SFR), we obtained XMM-Newton data to estimate the X-ray luminosities of a sample of actively starforming HII galaxies. The obtained X-ray luminosities are compared to other well known tracers of star formation activity such as the far infrared and the ultraviolet luminosities. We also compare the obtained results with empirical laws from the literature and with recently published analysis applying synthesis models. We use the time delay between the formation of the stellar cluster and that of the first X-ray binaries, in order to put limits on the age of a given stellar burst. We conclude that the generation of soft X-rays, as well as the Ha or infrared luminosities is instantaneous. The relation between the observed radio and hard X-ray luminosities, on the other hand, points to the existence of a time delay between the formation of the stellar cluster and the explosion of the first massive stars and the consequent formation of supernova remnants and high mass X-ray binaries (HMXB) which originate the radio and hard X-ray fluxes respectively. When comparing hard X-rays with a star formation indicator that traces the first million years of evolution (e.g. Ha luminosities) we found a deficit in the expected X-ray luminosity. This deficit is not found when the X-ray luminosities are compared with infrared luminosities, a star formation tracer that represents an average over the last 10^8 years. The results support the hypothesis that hard X-rays are originated in X-ray binaries which, as supernova remnants, have a formation time delay of a few mega years after the starforming burst.
