Holomorphic Supersymmetric Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model with Application to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

Abstract in English

Based on our idea of an alternative supersymmetrization of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model for dynamical symmetry breaking, we analyze the resulted new model with a holomorphic dimension-five operator in the superpotential. The approach provides a new direction for modeling dynamical symmetry breaking in a supersymmetric setting. In particular, we adopt the idea to formulate a model that gives rise to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model as the low energy effective theory with both Higgs superfields as composites. A renormalization group analysis is performed to establish the phenomenological viability of the scenario, with admissible background scale that could go down to the TeV scale. We give the Higgs mass range predicted.
