Detection and evolution of the CO (v = 2) emission in nova V2615 Ophiuchi (2007)

Abstract in English

We present near-infrared (1 - 2.5 micron) spectroscopic and photometric results of Nova V2615 Ophiuchi which was discovered in outburst in 2007 March. Our observations span a period of ~ 80 days starting from 2007 March 28 when the nova was at its maximum light. The evolution of the spectra are shown from the initial P-Cygni phase to an emission-line phase and finally to a dust formation stage. The characteristics of the JHK spectra are very similar to those observed in a nova outburst occurring on a carbon-oxygen white dwarf. We analyse an observed line at 2.088 micron and suggest it could be due to FeII excited by Lyman alpha fluorescence. The highlight of the observations is the detection of the first overtone bands of carbon monoxide (CO) in the 2.29 - 2.40 micron region. The CO bands are modeled to estimate the temperature and mass of the emitting CO gas and also to place limits on the 12C/13C ratio. The CO bands are recorded over several epochs thereby allowing a rare opportunity to study its evolution from a phase of constant strength through a stage when the CO is destroyed fairly rapidly. We compare the observed timescales involved in the evolution of the CO emission and find a good agreement with model predictions that investigate the chemistry in a nova outflow during the early stages.
