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Hydrodynamics of chiral liquids and suspensions

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 Added by Anton Andreev
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We obtain hydrodynamic equations describing a fluid consisting of chiral molecules or a suspension of chiral particles in a Newtonian fluid. The stresses arising in a flowing chiral liquid have a component forbidden by symmetry in a Newtonian liquid. For example, a chiral liquid in a Poiseuille flow between parallel plates exerts forces on the plates, which are perpendicular to the flow. A generic flow results in spatial separation of particles of different chirality. Thus even a racemic suspension will exhibit chiral properties in a generic flow. A suspension of particles of random shape in a Newtonian liquid is described by equations which are similar to those describing a racemic mixture of chiral particles in a liquid.

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From paints to food products, solvent evaporation is ubiquitous and critically impacts product rheological properties. It affects Newtonian fluids by concentrating any non-volatile components and viscoelastic materials, which hardens up. In both of these cases, solvent evaporation leads to a change in the sample volume, which makes any rheological measurements particularly challenging with traditional shear geometries. Here we show that the rheological properties of a sample experiencing `slow evaporation can be monitored in a time-resolved fashion by using a zero normal-force controlled protocol in a parallel-plate geometry. Solvent evaporation from the sample leads to a decrease of the normal force, which is compensated at all times by a decrease of the gap height between the plates. As a result, the sample maintains a constant contact area with the plates despite the significant decrease of its volume. We validate the method under both oscillatory and continuous shear by accurately monitoring the viscosity of water-glycerol mixtures experiencing evaporation and a relative volume decrease as large as 70%. Moreover, we apply this protocol to dehydrating suspensions. Specifically, we monitor a dispersion of charged silica nanoparticles undergoing a glass transition induced by evaporation. While the decrease in gap height provides a direct estimate of the increasing particle volume fraction, oscillatory and continuous shear measurements allow us to monitor the suspensions evolving viscoelastic properties in real-time. Overall, our study shows that a zero normal-force protocol provides a simple approach to bulk and time-resolved rheological characterization for systems experiencing slow volume variations.
We utilize a generalized Irving-Kirkwood procedure to derive the hydrodynamic equations of an active matter suspension with internal structure and driven by internal torque. The internal structure and torque of the active Brownian particles give rise to a balance law for internal angular momentum density, making the hydrodynamic description a polar theory of continuum mechanics. We derive exact microscopic expressions for the stress tensor, couple stress tensor, internal energy density, and heat flux vector. Unlike passive matter, the symmetry of the stress tensor is broken explicitly due to active internal torque and the antisymmetric component drives the internal angular momentum density. These results provide a molecular basis to understand the transport characteristics and collectively provide a strategy to develop the theory of linear irreversible thermodynamics of active matter.
The primary and secondary relaxation timescales of aging colloidal suspensions of Laponite are estimated from intensity autocorrelation functions obtained in dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments. The dynamical slowing down of these relaxation processes are compared with observations in fragile supercooled liquids by establishing a one-to-one mapping between the waiting time since filtration of a Laponite suspension and the inverse of the temperature of a supercooled liquid that is rapidly quenched towards its glass transition temperature. New timescales, such as the Vogel time and the Kauzmann time, are extracted to describe the phenomenon of dynamical arrest in Laponite suspensions. In results that are strongly reminiscent of those extracted from supercooled liquids approaching their glass transitions, it is demonstrated that the Vogel time calculated for each Laponite concentration is approximately equal to the Kauzmann time, and that a strong coupling exists between the primary and secondary relaxation processes of aging Laponite suspensions. Furthermore, the experimental data presented here clearly demonstrates the self-similar nature of the aging dynamics of Laponite suspensions within a range of sample concentrations.
We derive a hydrodynamic model for a liquid of arbitrarily curved flux-lines and vortex loops using the mapping of the vortex liquid onto a liquid of relativistic charged quantum bosons in 2+1 dimensions recently suggested by Tesanovic and by Sudbo and collaborators. The loops in the flux-line system correspond to particle-antiparticle fluctuations in the bosons. We explicitly incorporate the externally applied magnetic field which in the boson model corresponds to a chemical potential associated with the conserved charge density of the bosons. We propose this model as a convenient and physically appealing starting point for studying the properties of the vortex liquid.
We study the rheological properties of a granular suspension subject to constant shear stress by constant volume molecular dynamics simulations. We derive the system `flow diagram in the volume fraction/stress plane $(phi,F)$: at low $phi$ the flow is disordered, with the viscosity obeying a Bagnold-like scaling only at small $F$ and diverging as the jamming point is approached; if the shear stress is strong enough, at higher $phi$ an ordered flow regime is found, the order/disorder transition being marked by a sharp drop of the viscosity. A broad jamming region is also observed where, in analogy with the glassy region of thermal systems, slow dynamics followed by kinetic arrest occurs when the ordering transition is prevented.
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