Cosmic Ray Tests of the Prototype TPC for the ILC Experiment

Abstract in English

A time projection chamber (TPC) is a strong candidate for the central tracker of the international linear collider (ILC) experiment and we have been conducting a series of cosmic ray experiments under a magnetic field up to 4 T, using a small prototype TPC with a replaceable readout device: multi-wire proportional chamber (MWPC) or gas electron multiplier (GEM). We first confirmed that the MWPC readout could not be a fall-back option of the ILC-TPC under a strong axial magnetic field of 4 T since its spatial resolution suffered severely from the so called E x B effect in the vicinity of the wire planes. The GEM readout, on the other hand, was found to be virtually free from the E x B effect as had been expected and gave the resolution determined by the transverse diffusion of the drift electrons (diffusion limited). Furthermore, GEMs allow a wider choice of gas mixtures than MWPCs. Among the gases we tried so far a mixture of Ar-CF4-isobutane, in which MWPCs could be prone to discharges, seems promising as the operating gas of the ILC-TPC because of its small diffusion constant especially under a strong magnetic field. We report the measured drift properties of this mixture including the diffusion constant as a function of the electric field and compare them with the predictions of Magboltz. Also presented is the spatial resolution of a GEM-based ILC-TPC estimated from the measurement with the prototype.
