Jordan-Wigner transformation and Bogolyubov transformation are the main steps of the diagonalization of Hamiltonian and paly an important role in the statistical mechanics calculations for one-dimensional Heisenberg spin chain model. Many methods can be exploited as a tool to detect quantum phase transition, regions of criticality and scaling behavior in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition, such as geometric phase, fidelity susceptibility, order parameter, and entanglement entropy, which have direct relation with Bogolyubov transformation. We diagonalized the Hamiltonian in XY spin-chain systems with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, the results shows that only the energy spectrum but not the coefficients of the Bogolyubov transformation depends on DM interaction. Therefore, the DM interaction may not influence the critical magnetic field of quantum phase transitions and not induce new critical regions in the XY spin model. Moreover, we further prove the ideas by the methods of geometric phases in this model.