A differentially rotating disc in a high-mass protostellar system

Abstract in English

A strong signature of a circumstellar disc around a high-mass protostar has been inferred from high resolution methanol maser observations in NGC7538-IRS1 N. This interpretation has however been challenged with a bipolar outflow proposed as an alternative explanation. We compare the two proposed scenarios for best consistency with the observations. Using a newly developed formalism we model the optical depth of the maser emission at each observed point in the map and LOS velocity for the two scenarios. We find that if the emission is symmetric around a central peak in both space and LOS velocity then it has to arise from an edge-on disc in sufficiently fast differential rotation. Disc models successfully fit ~100 independent measurement points in position-velocity space with 4 free parameters to an overall accuracy of 3-4%. Solutions for Keplerian rotation require a central mass of at least 4 solar masses. Close to best-fitting models are obtained if Keplerian motion is assumed around a central mass equaling ~30 solar masses as inferred from other observations. In contrast we find that classical bipolar outflow models cannot fit the data, although could be applicable in other sources. Our results strongly favour the differentially rotating disc hypothesis to describe the main feature of the 12.2 (and 6.7) GHz methanol maser emission in NGC7538 IRS1 N. Furthermore, for Keplerian rotation around a ~30 solar masses protostar we predict the position and velocity at which tangentially amplified masers should be detected in high dynamic range observations. [abridged]
