Broad-band spectral control of single photon sources using a nonlinear photonic crystal cavity

Abstract in English

Motivated by developments in quantum information science, much recent effort has been directed toward coupling individual quantum emitters to optical microcavities. Such systems can be used to produce single photons on demand, enable nonlinear optical switching at a single photon level, and implement functional nodes of a quantum network, where the emitters serve as processing nodes and photons are used for long-distance quantum communication. For many of these practical applications, it is important to develop techniques that allow one to generate outgoing single photons of desired frequency and bandwidth, enabling hybrid networks connecting different types of emitters and long-distance transmission over telecommunications wavelengths. Here, we propose a novel approach that makes use of a nonlinear optical resonator, in which the single photon originating from the atom-like emitter is directly converted into a photon with desired frequency and bandwidth using the intracavity nonlinearity. As specific examples, we discuss a high-finesse, TE-TM double-mode photonic crystal cavity design that allows for direct generation of single photons at telecom wavelengths starting from an InAs/GaAs quantum dot with a 950 nm transition wavelength, and a scheme for direct optical coupling of such a quantum dot with a diamond nitrogen-vacancy center at 637 nm.
