A wave-function model for the CP-violation in mesons

Abstract in English

In this paper we propose to associate a temporal two-component wave-function to the decay process of meson particles. This simple quantum model provides a good estimation of the CP symmetry violation parameter. This result is based on our previous paper (Two-Level Friedrichs model and Kaonic phenomenology, Physics Letters A 362, 100-104 (2007)) where we have shown that the two-level Friedrichs Hamiltonian model makes it possible to provide a qualitatively correct phenomenological model of kaons physics. In this previous paper, we derived a violation parameter that is 14 times larger than the measured quantity. In the present paper we improve our estimation of the violation and obtain the right order of magnitude. The improvement results from a renormalized superposition of the probability amplitudes describing short and long exponential decays. The renormalization occurs because the amplitudes that we are dealing with are associated to the decay rate, and not to the integrated decay rate or survival probability as is usually the case in standard approaches to CP-violation. We also compare with recent experimental data for the mesons D and B and also there the agreement between our model and experimental data is quite satisfying.
