The determination of the rotation period and magnetic field geometry of the strongly magnetic roAp star HD154708

Abstract in English

We obtained thirteen spectropolarimetric observations of the strongly magnetic rapidly oscillating Ap star HD154708 over three months with the multi-mode instrument FORS1, installed at the 8-m Kueyen telescope of the VLT. These observations have been used for the determination of the rotation period of P=5.3666+-0.0007d. Using stellar fundamental parameters and the longitudinal magnetic field phase curve, we briefly discuss the magnetic field geometry. The star is observed nearly pole-on and the magnetic field geometry can be described by a centred dipole with a surface polar magnetic field strength B_d between 26.1 and 28.8kG and an inclination of the magnetic axis to the rotation axis in the range 22.5deg to 35.5deg.
