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Segue 2: A Prototype of the Population of Satellites of Satellites

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 Added by N. W. Evans
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors V. Belokurov

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We announce the discovery of a new Milky Way satellite Segue 2 found in the data of the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE). We followed this up with deeper imaging and spectroscopy on the Multiple Mirror Telescope. From this, we derive a luminosity of M_v = -2.5, a half-light radius of 34 pc and a systemic velocity of -40$ km/s. Our MMT data also provides evidence for a stream around Segue 2 at a similar heliocentric velocity, and the SEGUE data show that it is also present in neighboring fields. We resolve the velocity dispersion of Segue 2 as 3.4 km/s and the possible stream as about 7 km/s. This object shows points of comparison with other recent discoveries, Segue 1, Boo II and Coma. We speculate that all four objects may be representatives of a population of satellites of satellites -- survivors of accretion events that destroyed their larger but less dense parents. They are likely to have formed at redshifts z > 10 and are good candidates for fossils of the reionization epoch.

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We combine a series of high-resolution simulations with semi-analytic galaxy formation models to follow the evolution of a system resembling the Milky Way and its satellites. The semi-analytic model is based on that developed for the Millennium Simulation, and successfully reproduces the properties of galaxies on large scales, as well as those of the Milky Way. In this model, we are able to reproduce the luminosity function of the satellites around the Milky Way by preventing cooling in haloes with Vvir < 16.7 km/s (i.e. the atomic hydrogen cooling limit) and including the impact of the reionization of the Universe. The physical properties of our model satellites (e.g. mean metallicities, ages, half-light radii and mass-to-light ratios) are in good agreement with the latest observational measurements. We do not find a strong dependence upon the particular implementation of supernova feedback, but a scheme which is more efficient in galaxies embedded in smaller haloes, i.e. shallower potential wells, gives better agreement with the properties of the ultra-faint satellites. Our model predicts that the brightest satellites are associated with the most massive subhaloes, are accreted later (z $lta$ 1), and have extended star formation histories, with only 1 per cent of their stars made by the end of the reionization. On the other hand, the faintest satellites were accreted early, are dominated by stars with age > 10 Gyr, and a few of them formed most of their stars before the reionization was complete. Objects with luminosities comparable to those of the classical MW satellites are associated with dark matter subhaloes with a peak circular velocity $gta$ 10 km/s, in agreement with the latest constraints.
Recent studies suggest that only three of the twelve brightest satellites of the Milky Way (MW) inhabit dark matter halos with maximum circular velocity, V_max, exceeding 30km/s. This is in apparent contradiction with the LCDM simulations of the Aquarius Project, which suggest that MW-sized halos should have at least 8 subhalos with V_max>30km/s. The absence of luminous satellites in such massive subhalos is thus puzzling and may present a challenge to the LCDM paradigm. We note, however, that the number of massive subhalos depends sensitively on the (poorly-known) virial mass of the Milky Way, and that their scarcity makes estimates of their abundance from a small simulation set like Aquarius uncertain. We use the Millennium Simulation series and the invariance of the scaled subhalo velocity function (i.e., the number of subhalos as a function of u, the ratio of subhalo V_max to host halo virial velocity, V_200) to secure improved estimates of the abundance of rare massive subsystems. In the range 0.1< u<0.5, N_sub(> u) is approximately Poisson-distributed about an average given by <N_sub>=10.2x( u/0.15)^(-3.11). This is slightly lower than in Aquarius halos, but consistent with recent results from the Phoenix Project. The probability that a LCDM halo has 3 or fewer subhalos with V_max above some threshold value, V_th, is then straightforward to compute. It decreases steeply both with decreasing V_th and with increasing halo mass. For V_th=30km/s, ~40% of M_halo=10^12 M_sun halos pass the test; fewer than 5% do so for M_halo>= 2x10^12 M_sun; and the probability effectively vanishes for M_halo>= 3x 10^12 M_sun. Rather than a failure of LCDM, the absence of massive subhalos might simply indicate that the Milky Way is less massive than is commonly thought.
We use the Auriga cosmological simulations of Milky Way (MW)-mass galaxies and their surroundings to study the satellite populations of dwarf galaxies in $Lambda$CDM. As expected from prior work, the number of satellites above a fixed stellar mass is a strong function of the mass of the primary dwarf. For galaxies as luminous as the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and for halos as massive as expected for the LMC (determined by its rotation speed), the simulations predict about 3 satellites with stellar masses exceeding $M_*>10^5, M_odot$. If the LMC is on its first pericentric passage, then these satellites should be near the LMC and should have orbital angular momenta roughly coincident with that of the LMC. We use 3D positions and velocities from the 2nd data release of the Gaia mission to revisit which of the classical MW dwarf spheroidals could plausibly be LMC satellites. The new proper motions of the Fornax and Carina dwarf spheroidals place them on orbits closely aligned with the orbital plane of the Magellanic Clouds, hinting at a potential Magellanic association. Together with the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), this result raises to $3$ the number of LMC satellites with $M_*>10^5, M_odot$, as expected from simulations. This also fills the 12-mag luminosity gap between the SMC and the ultra-faints Hyi1, Car2, Hor1, and Car3, the few ultra-faint satellites confirmed to have orbits consistent with a Magellanic origin.
We study the formation of planes of dwarf galaxies around Milky Way (MW)-mass haloes in the EAGLE galaxy formation simulation. We focus on satellite systems similar to the one in the MW: spatially thin or with a large fraction of members orbiting in the same plane. To characterise the latter, we introduce a robust method to identify the subsets of satellites that have the most co-planar orbits. Out of the 11 MW classical dwarf satellites, 8 have highly clustered orbital planes whose poles are contained within a $22^circ$ opening angle centred around $(l,b)=(182^circ,-2^circ)$. This configuration stands out when compared to both isotropic and typical $Lambda$CDM satellite distributions. Purely flattened satellite systems are short-lived chance associations and persist for less than $1~rm{Gyr}$. In contrast, satellite subsets that share roughly the same orbital plane are longer lived, with half of the MW-like systems being at least $4~rm{Gyrs}$ old. On average, satellite systems were flatter in the past, with a minimum in their minor-to-major axes ratio about $9~rm{Gyrs}$ ago, which is the typical infall time of the classical satellites. MW-like satellite distributions have on average always been flatter than the overall population of satellites in MW-mass haloes and, in particular, they correspond to systems with a high degree of anisotropic accretion of satellites. We also show that torques induced by the aspherical mass distribution of the host halo channel some satellite orbits into the hosts equatorial plane, enhancing the fraction of satellites with co-planar orbits. In fact, the orbital poles of co-planar satellites are tightly aligned with the minor axis of the host halo.
We study the spatial distribution of faint satellites of intermediate redshift (0.1<z<0.8), early-type galaxies, selected from the GOODS fields. We combine high resolution HST images and state-of-the-art host subtraction techniques to detect satellites of unprecedented faintness and proximity to intermediate redshift host galaxies (up to 5.5 magnitudes fainter and as close as 0.5/2.5 kpc to the host centers). We model the spatial distribution of objects near the hosts as a combination of an isotropic, homogenous background/foreground population and a satellite population with a power law radial profile and an elliptical angular distribution. We detect a significant population of satellites, Ns =1.7 (+0.9,-0.8) that is comparable to the number of Milky Way satellites with similar host-satellite contrast.The average projected radial profile of the satellite distribution is isothermal, gamma_p= -1.0(+0.3,-0.4), which is consistent with the observed central mass density profile of massive early-type galaxies. Furthermore, the satellite distribution is highly anisotropic (isotropy is ruled out at a >99.99% confidence level). Defining phi to be the offset between the major axis of the satellite spatial distribution and the major axis of the host light profile, we find a maximum posterior probability of phi = 0 and |phi| less than 42 degrees at the 68% confidence level. The alignment of the satellite distribution with the light of the host is consistent with simulations, assuming that light traces mass for the host galaxy as observed for lens galaxies. The anisotropy of the satellite population enhances its ability to produce the flux ratio anomalies observed in gravitationally lensed quasars.
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