Flavour Violation in Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

Abstract in English

We study squark flavour violation in the anomaly mediated supersymmetry broken (AMSB) minimal supersymmetric standard model. Analytical expressions for the three-generational squark mass matrices are derived. We show that the anomaly-induced soft breaking terms have a decreasing amount of squark flavour violation when running from the GUT to the weak scale. Taking into account inter-generational squark mixing, we work out non-trivial constraints from B -> Xs gamma and Bs -> mu mu, which complement each other, as well as B -> tau nu decays. We further identify a region of parameter space where the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the B -> Xs gamma branching ratio are simultaneously accommodated. Since anomaly mediation is of the minimal flavour-violating type, the generic flavour predictions for this class of models apply, including a CKM-induced (and hence small) Bs-Bsbar-mixing phase.
