Star-Forming Galaxies at z~2: An Emerging Picture of Galaxy Dynamics and Assembly

Abstract in English

In these proceedings, we summarize recent results from our SINS VLT/SINFONI integral-field survey, focusing on the 52 detected UV/optically-selected star-forming galaxies at z~2. Our H-alpha emission-line imaging and kinematic data of these systems illustrates that a substantial fraction (> 1/3) of these galaxies are large, rotating disks and that these disks are clumpy, thick, and forming stars rapidly. We compare these systems to local disk scaling relations and find that the backbones of these relations are already in place at z~2. Detailed analysis of the large disks in our sample provides strong evidence that this population cannot result from a merger-dominated formation history and instead must be assembled by the smooth but rapid inflow of gas along filaments. These systems will then secularly evolve from clump-dominated disks to bulge-dominated disks on short timescales, a phenomenon that is observed in our SINS observations and is consistent with predictions from numerical simulations. These results provide new and exciting insights into the formation of bulge-dominated galaxies in the local Universe.
