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Optical absorption to probe the quantum Hall ferromagnet at filling factor $ u=1$

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 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Optical absorption measurements are used to probe the spin polarization in the integer and fractional quantum Hall effect regimes. The system is fully spin polarized only at filling factor $ u=1$ and at very low temperatures($sim40$ mK). A small change in filling factor ($delta uapproxpm0.01$) leads to a significant depolarization. This suggests that the itinerant quantum Hall ferromagnet at $ u=1$ is surprisingly fragile against increasing temperature, or against small changes in filling factor.

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We study coherence and entanglement properties of the state space of a composite bi-fermion (two electrons pierced by $lambda$ magnetic flux lines) at one Landau site of a bilayer quantum Hall system. In particular, interlayer imbalance and entanglement (and its fluctuations) are analyzed for a set of $U(4)$ coherent (emph{quasiclassical}) states generalizing the standard pseudospin $U(2)$ coherent states for the spin-frozen case. The interplay between spin and pseudospin degrees of freedom opens new possibilities with regard to the spin-frozen case. Actually, spin degrees of freedom make interlayer entanglement more effective and robust under perturbations than in the spin-frozen situation, mainly for a large number of flux quanta $lambda$. Interlayer entanglement of an equilibrium thermal state and its dependence with temperature and bias voltage is also studied for a pseudo-Zeeman interaction.
We report on the dramatic evolution of the quantum Hall ferromagnet in the fractional quantum Hall regime at $ u = 2/5$ filling. A large enhancement in the characteristic timescale gives rise to a dynamical transition into a novel quantized Hall state. The observed Hall state is determined to be a zero-temperature phase distinct from the spin-polarized and spin-unpolarized $ u = 2/5$ fractional quantum Hall states. It is characterized by a strong temperature dependence and puzzling correlation between temperature and time.
Spin splitting in the integer quantum Hall effect is investigated for a series of Al$_{x}$Ga$_{1-x}$As/GaAs heterojunctions and quantum wells. Magnetoresistance measurements are performed at mK temperature to characterize the electronic density of states and estimate the strength of many body interactions. A simple model with no free parameters correctly predicts the magnetic field required to observe spin splitting confirming that the appearance of spin splitting is a result of a competition between the disorder induced energy cost of flipping spins and the exchange energy gain associated with the polarized state. In this model, the single particle Zeeman energy plays no role, so that the appearance of this quantum Hall ferromagnet in the highest occupied Landau level can also be thought of as a magnetic field induced Stoner transition.
The electronic excitations at the edges of a Hall bar not much wider than a few magnetic lengths are studied theoretically at filling $ u = 2$. Both mean-field theory and Luttinger liquid theory techniques are employed for the case of a null Zeeman energy splitting. The first calculation yields a stable spin-density wave state along the bar, while the second one predicts dominant Wigner-crystal correlations along the edges of the bar. We propose an antiferromagnetic Wigner-crystal groundstate for the edge electrons that reconciles the two results. A net Zeeman splitting is found to produce canting of the antiferromagnetic order.
We develop a group-theoretical approach to describe $N$-component composite bosons as planar electrons attached to an odd number $f$ of Chern-Simons flux quanta. This picture arises when writing the Coulomb exchange interaction as a quantum Hall ferromagnet in terms of collective $U(N)$-spin operators. A spontaneously chosen ground state of $M$ electrons per Landau site breaks the symmetry from $U(N)$ to the stability subgroup $U(M)times U(N-M)$, so that coherent state excitations are labeled by points on the Grassmannian coset $U(N)/U(M)times U(N-M)$. The quantization of this Grassmann phase space corresponds to the carrier Hilbert space of unitary irreducible representations of $U(N)$ described by rectangular Young tableaux of $M$ rows and $f$ columns. We construct an embedding of the Hilbert space into Fock space by using a Schwinger realization of collective $U(N)$-spin operators as bilinear products of composite boson operators. We also build a system of Grassmann coherent states and discuss the classical limit of $U(N)$ quantum Hall ferromagnets in terms of nonlinear sigma models on Grasmannians.
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