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A Schottky top-gated two-dimensional electron system in a nuclear spin free Si/SiGe heterostructure

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 Added by J. Sailer
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report on the realization and top-gating of a two-dimensional electron system in a nuclear spin free environment using 28Si and 70Ge source material in molecular beam epitaxy. Electron spin decoherence is expected to be minimized in nuclear spin-free materials, making them promising hosts for solid-state based quantum information processing devices. The two-dimensional electron system exhibits a mobility of 18000 cm2/Vs at a sheet carrier density of 4.6E11 cm-2 at low temperatures. Feasibility of reliable gating is demonstrated by transport through split-gate structures realized with palladium Schottky top-gates which effectively control the two-dimensional electron system underneath. Our work forms the basis for the realization of an electrostatically defined quantum dot in a nuclear spin free environment.

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189 - A. Wild , J. Sailer , J. Nutzel 2010
We present an electrostatically defined few-electron double quantum dot (QD) realized in a molecular beam epitaxy grown Si/SiGe heterostructure. Transport and charge spectroscopy with an additional QD as well as pulsed-gate measurements are demonstrated. We discuss technological challenges specific for silicon-based heterostructures and the effect of a comparably large effective electron mass on transport properties and tunability of the double QD. Charge noise, which might be intrinsically induced due to strain-engineering is proven not to affect the stable operation of our device as a spin qubit. Our results promise the suitability of electrostatically defined QDs in Si/SiGe heterostructures for quantum information processing.
We report on the fabrication and electronic transport characterisation of Schottky-gated strongly confined Si/SiGe quantum point contacts (QPC). At zero magnetic field and T=450mK the QPC conductance as a function of gate voltage shows a quantization in units of e^2/h, indicative of transport through 1D modes which appear to lack both spin and valley degeneracy.
We report the observation of an electron gas in a SiGe/Si/SiGe quantum well with maximum mobility up to 240 m^2/Vs, which is noticeably higher than previously reported results in silicon-based structures. Using SiO, rather than Al_2O_3, as an insulator, we obtain strongly reduced threshold voltages close to zero. In addition to the predominantly small-angle scattering well known in the high-mobility heterostructures, the observed linear temperature dependence of the conductivity reveals the presence of a short-range random potential.
We present a method to create spin-polarized beams of ballistic electrons in a two-dimensional electron system in the presence of spin-orbit interaction. Scattering of a spin-unpolarized injected beam from a lithographic barrier leads to the creation of two fully spin-polarized side beams, in addition to an unpolarized specularly reflected beam. Experimental magnetotransport data on InSb/InAlSb heterostructures demonstrate the spin-polarized reflection in a mesoscopic geometry, and confirm our theoretical predictions.
A two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in SrTiO3 is created via modulation doping by interfacing undoped SrTiO3 with a wider-band-gap material, SrTi1-xZrxO3, that is doped n-type with La. All layers are grown using hybrid molecular beam epitaxy. Using magnetoresistance measurements, we show that electrons are transferred into the SrTiO3, and a 2DEG is formed. In particular, Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations are shown to depend only on the perpendicular magnetic field. Experimental Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations are compared with calculations that assume multiple occupied subbands.
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