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Cloud Computing and Grid Computing 360-Degree Compared

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 Added by Ioan Raicu
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English

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Cloud Computing has become another buzzword after Web 2.0. However, there are dozens of different definitions for Cloud Computing and there seems to be no consensus on what a Cloud is. On the other hand, Cloud Computing is not a completely new concept; it has intricate connection to the relatively new but thirteen-year established Grid Computing paradigm, and other relevant technologies such as utility computing, cluster computing, and distributed systems in general. This paper strives to compare and contrast Cloud Computing with Grid Computing from various angles and give insights into the essential characteristics of both.

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In the era of Internet of Things and with the explosive worldwide growth of electronic data volume, and associated need of processing, analysis, and storage of such humongous volume of data, it has now become mandatory to exploit the power of massively parallel architecture for fast computation. Cloud computing provides a cheap source of such computing framework for large volume of data for real-time applications. It is, therefore, not surprising to see that cloud computing has become a buzzword in the computing fraternity over the last decade. This book presents some critical applications in cloud frameworks along with some innovation design of algorithms and architecture for deployment in cloud environment. It is a valuable source of knowledge for researchers, engineers, practitioners, and graduate and doctoral students working in the field of cloud computing. It will also be useful for faculty members of graduate schools and universities.
This letter provides a review of fundamental distributed systems and economic Cloud computing principles. These principles are frequently deployed in their respective fields, but their inter-dependencies are often neglected. Given that Cloud Computing first and foremost is a new business model, a new model to sell computational resources, the understanding of these concepts is facilitated by treating them in unison. Here, we review some of the most important concepts and how they relate to each other.
In hardware virtualization a hypervisor provides multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) on a single physical system, each executing a separate operating system instance. The hypervisor schedules execution of these VMs much as the scheduler in an operating system does, balancing factors such as fairness and I/O performance. As in an operating system, the scheduler may be vulnerable to malicious behavior on the part of users seeking to deny service to others or maximize their own resource usage. Recently, publically available cloud computing services such as Amazon EC2 have used virtualization to provide customers with virtual machines running on the providers hardware, typically charging by wall clock time rather than resources consumed. Under this business model, manipulation of the scheduler may allow theft of service at the expense of other customers, rather than merely reallocating resources within the same administrative domain. We describe a flaw in the Xen scheduler allowing virtual machines to consume almost all CPU time, in preference to other users, and demonstrate kernel-based and user-spa
In scientific computing, more computational power generally implies faster and possibly more detailed results. The goal of this study was to develop a framework to submit computational jobs to powerful workstations underused by nonintensive tasks. This is achieved by using a virtual machine in each of these workstations, where the computations are done. This group of virtual machines is called the Gridlan. The Gridlan framework is intermediate between the cluster and grid computing paradigms. The Gridlan is able to profit from existing cluster software tools, such as resource managers like Torque, so a user with previous experience in cluster operation can dispatch jobs seamlessly. A benchmark test of the Gridlan implementation shows the systems suitability for computational tasks, principally in embarrassingly parallel computations.
Every organisation today wants to adopt cloud computing paradigm and leverage its various advantages. Today everyone is aware of its characteristics which have made it so popular and how it can help the organisations focus on their core activities leaving all IT services development and maintenance to the cloud service providers. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) act as the interface between the CSPs and the consumers. This paper proposes an improved access control mechanism for securing the Cloud APIs.
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