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Mid-infrared imaging of 25 local AGN with VLT-VISIR

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 Added by Hannes Horst
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Aims. High angular resolution N-band imaging is used to discern the torus of active galactic nuclei (AGN) from its environment in order to allow a comparison of its mid-infrared properties to the expectations of the unified scenario for AGN. Methods. We present VLT-VISIR images of 25 low-redshift AGN of different Seyfert types, as well as N-band SEDs of 20 of them. In addition, we compare our results for 19 of them to Spitzer IRS spectra. Results. We find that at a resolution of ~ 0.35, all the nuclei of our observed sources are point-like, except for 2 objects whose extension is likely of instrumental origin. For 3 objects, however, we observed additional extended circumnuclear emission, even though our observational strategy was not designed to detect it. Comparison of the VISIR photometry and Spitzer spectrophotometry indicates that the latter is affected by extended emission in at least 7 out of 19 objects and the level of contamination is (0.20 ~ 0.85) * F_IRS. In particular, the 10 um silicate emission feature seen in the Spitzer spectra of 6 type I AGN, possibly 1 type II AGN and 2 LINERs, also probably originates not solely in the torus but also in extended regions. Conclusions. Our results generally agree with the expectations from the unified scenario, while the relative weakness of the silicate feature supports clumpy torus models. Our VISIR data indicate that, for low-redshift AGN, a large fraction of Spitzer IRS spectra are contaminated by extended emission close to the AGN.

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146 - Eric S. Perlman 2013
We present high spatial resolution MIR observations for several nearby radio loud active galactic nuclei (RLAGN), which were obtained using the Gemini North and South telescopes. Of the six observed objects, we detected five in the Si-2 (8.7 microns) and Si-6 (12.3 microns) filters, of which two objects show some evidence of low level extended emission surrounding the unresolved nucleus. In Pictor A, we also obtained an image in Qs (18.3 microns) that has a flux of only half that seen in the Spitzer image, suggesting structure on arcsecond scales. We also used the Si-6 (12.3 microns) flux measurement to investigate correlation between our MIR flux and xray luminosity and compare this to results for AGN in general. This work also forms a basis for future high resolution imaging and spectroscopy of these objects.
Dust enshrouded activity can ideally be studied by mid-infrared (MIR) observations. In order to explore the AGN versus star forming origin of the nuclear MIR emission of galaxies, observations of high spatial resolution are required. Here we report on 11.3mic. observations with VISIR at the VLT, reaching 0.35 spatial resolution (FWHM). During the scientific verification of VISIR we have observed a sample of 36 nearby galaxies having a variety of optically classified nuclear activity: 17 black hole driven active galactic nuclei (AGN), 10 starbursts (SBs) and 9 quiet spirals. 16/17 AGN are detected and unresolved, 5/10 SBs are detected and resolved with structured emission up to a few arcsec, while for 5/10 SB and all 9 quiet nuclei low upper limits are provided. The morphology of the resolved SB nuclei follows that seen at radio frequencies. The compactness of AGN and the extent of the SB nuclei is consistent with predictions from radiative transfer models and with MIR spectra of lower spatial resolution. We explore the nuclear MIR surface brightness as a quantitative measure. While AGN and SB cannot be distinguished with MIR data from 4m class telescopes, our data provide evidence that, up to a distance of 100 Mpc, AGN and SB can well be separated by means of MIR surface brightness when using 8m class telescopes.
The estimate of the number and space density of obscured AGN over cosmic time still represents an open issue. While the obscured AGN population is a key ingredient of the X-ray background synthesis models and is needed to reproduce its shape, a complete census of obscured AGN is still missing. Here we test the selection of obscured sources among the local 12-micron sample of Seyfert galaxies. Our selection is based on a difference up to three orders of magnitude in the ratio between the AGN bolometric luminosity, derived from the spectral energy distribution (SED) decomposition, and the same quantity obtained by the published XMM-Newton 2-10 keV luminosity. The selected sources are UGC05101, NGC1194 and NGC3079 for which the available X-ray wide bandpass, from Chandra and XMM-Newton plus NuSTAR data, extending to energies up to ~30-45 keV, allows us an accurate determination of the column density, and hence of the true intrinsic power. The newly derived NH values clearly indicate heavy obscuration (about 1.2, 2.1 and 2.4 x10^{24} cm-2 for UGC05101, NGC1194 and NGC3079, respectively) and are consistent with the prominent silicate absorption feature observed in the Spitzer-IRS spectra of these sources (at 9.7 micron rest frame). We finally checked that the resulting X-ray luminosities in the 2-10 keV band are in good agreement with those derived from the mid-IR band through empirical L_MIR-L_X relations.
While massive black holes (MBHs) are known to inhabit all massive galaxies, their ubiquitous presence in dwarf galaxies has not been confirmed yet, with only a limited number of sources detected so far. Recently, some studies proposed infrared emission as an alternative way to identify MBHs in dwarfs, based on a similar approach usually applied to quasars. In this study, by accurately combining optical and infrared data taking into account resolution effects and source overlapping, we investigate in detail the possible limitations of this approach with current ground-based facilities, finding a quite low ($sim$0.4 per cent) fraction of active MBH in dwarfs that are luminous in mid-infrared, consistent with several previous results. Our results suggest that the infrared selection is strongly affected by several limitations that make the identification of MBHs in dwarf galaxies currently prohibitive, especially because of the very poor resolution compared to optical surveys, and the likely contamination by nearby sources, although we find a few good candidates worth further follow-ups. Optical, X-ray and radio observations, therefore, still represent the most secure way to search for MBH in dwarfs.
122 - D. Asmus , P. Gandhi , S.F. Hoenig 2015
We present an updated mid-infrared (MIR) versus X-ray correlation for the local active galactic nuclei (AGN) population based on the high angular resolution 12 and 18um continuum fluxes from the AGN subarcsecond MIR atlas and 2-10 keV and 14-195 keV data collected from the literature. We isolate a sample of 152 objects with reliable AGN nature and multi-epoch X-ray data and minimal MIR contribution from star formation. Although the sample is not homogeneous or complete, we show that our results are unlikely to be affected by biases. The MIR--X-ray correlation is nearly linear and within a factor of two independent of the AGN type and the wavebands used. The observed scatter is <0.4 dex. A possible flattening of the correlation slope at the highest luminosities probed (~ 10^45 erg/s) is indicated but not significant. Unobscured objects have, on average, an MIR--X-ray ratio that is only <= 0.15 dex higher than that of obscured objects. Objects with intermediate X-ray column densities (22 < log N_H < 23) actually show the highest MIR--X-ray ratio on average. Radio-loud objects show a higher mean MIR--X-ray ratio at low luminosities, while the ratio is lower than average at high luminosities. This may be explained by synchrotron emission from the jet contributing to the MIR at low-luminosities and additional X-ray emission at high luminosities. True Seyfert 2 candidates and double AGN do not show any deviation from the general behaviour. Finally, we show that the MIR--X-ray correlation can be used to verify the AGN nature of uncertain objects. Specifically, we give equations that allow to determine the intrinsic 2-10 keV luminosities and column densities for objects with complex X-ray properties to within 0.34 dex. These techniques are applied to the uncertain objects of the remaining AGN MIR atlas, demonstrating the usefulness of the MIR--X-ray correlation as an empirical tool.
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