Probing parsec scale jets in AGN with geodetic VLBI

Abstract in English

We report on an ongoing effort to image active galactic nuclei simultaneously observed at 2.3 and 8.6 GHz in the framework of a long-term VLBI project RDV (Research and Development - VLBA) started in 1994 aiming to observe compact extragalactic radio sources in the astrometric/geodetic mode. Observations of bright extragalactic sources are carried out bi-monthly making up to six sessions per year with participation of all ten VLBA antennas and up to nine additional (geodetic and EVN) radio telescopes. Analysis of single-epoch results for 370 quasars, BL Lacs and radio galaxies is presented. We discuss VLBI core properties (flux densities, sizes, brightness temperatures), spectral characteristics of the cores and jets, evolution of brightness temperatures in the jets.
