Discriminating Electroweak-ino Parameter Ordering at the LHC and Its Impact on LFV Studies

Abstract in English

Current limit on the dark matter relic abundance may suggest that $|mu|$ should be smaller than prediction in the minimal supergravity scenario (mSUGRA) for moderate $m_0$ and $m_{1/2}$. The electroweak-ino parameter $M_1, M_2$ and $|mu|$ are then much closer to each other. This can be realized naturally in the non-universal Higgs mass model (NUHM). Since the heaviest neutralino ($tildechi^0_4$) and chargino ($tildechi^pm_2$) have significant gaugino components, they may appear frequently in the left-handed squark decay and then be detectable at the LHC. In such a case, we showed that the hierarchy of $M_1, M_2$ and $|mu|$ can be determined. In the light slepton mass scenario with non-vanishing lepton-flavor violation (LFV) in the right-handed sector, NUHM with small $|mu|$ corresponds to region of parameter space where strong cancellation among leading contributions to $Br(muto egamma)$ can occur. We showed that determination of electroweak-ino hierarchy plays a crucial role in resolving cancellation point of $Br(muto egamma)$ and determination of LFV parameters. We also discussed test of the universality of the slepton masses at the LHC and the implications to SUSY flavor models.
