Some new experimental photonic flame effect features

Abstract in English

The results of the spectral, energetical and temporal characteristics of radiation in the presence of the photonic flame effect are presented. Artificial opal posed on Cu plate at the temperature of liquid nitrogen boiling point (77 K) being irradiated by nanosecond ruby laser pulse produces long- term luminiscence with a duration till ten seconds with a finely structured spectrum in the the antistocks part of the spectrum. Analogous visible luminescence manifesting time delay appeared in other samples of the artificial opals posed on the same plate. In the case of the opal infiltrated with different nonlinear liquids the threshold of the luminiscence is reduced and the spatial disribution of the bright emmiting area on the opal surface is being changed. In the case of the putting the frozen nonlinear liquids on the Cu plate long-term blue bright luminiscence took place in the frozen species of the liquids. Temporal characteristics of this luminiscence are nearly the same as in opal matrixes.
