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Could the photon dispersion relation be non-linear ?

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 Added by Wolfgang Bietenholz
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The free photon dispersion relation is a reference quantity for high precision tests of Lorentz Invariance. We first outline theoretical approaches to a conceivable Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV). Next we address phenomenological tests based on the propagation of cosmic rays, in particular in Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). As a specific concept, which could imply LIV, we then focus on field theory in a non-commutative (NC) space, and we present non-perturbative results for the dispersion relation of the NC photon.

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A dense neutrino medium can support flavor oscillation waves which are coherent among different momentum modes of the neutrinos. The dispersion relation (DR) branches of such a wave with complex frequencies and/or wave numbers can lead to the exponential growth of the wave amplitude which in turn will engender a collective flavor transformation in the neutrino medium. In this work we propose that the complex DR branches of the neutrino oscillation wave should be bound by the critical points of the DR. We demonstrate how this theory can be applied to the neutrino medium with an (approximate) axial symmetry about the propagation direction of the neutrino oscillation wave. We also show how the flavor instabilities in this medium can be identified by tracing the critical points of the DR as the electron lepton number distribution of the neutrino medium is changed continuously.
The two-photon-exchange (TPE) effect plays a key role to extract the form factors (FFs) of the proton. In this work, we present some exact properties on the TPE effect in the elastic $ep$ scattering based on four types of typical and general interactions. The possible kinematical singularities, the asymptotic behaviors and the branch cuts of the TPE amplitudes are analyzed. The analytic expressions clearly indicate some exact relations between the dispersion relation (DR) method and the hadronic model (HM) method. It suggests that the two methods should be modified to general forms, respectively. After the modifications the new forms give the same results. Furthermore, they automatically and correctly include the contributions due to the seagull interaction, the meson-exchange effect, the contact interactions and the off-shell effect. To analyze the elastic $e^{pm}p$ scattering data sets, the new forms should be used.
56 - C. Im , G. Kane , P. Malde 1993
We argue that CP--violation effects below a few tenths of a percent are probably undetectable at hadron and electron colliders. Thus only operators whose contributions interfere with tree--level Standard Model amplitudes are detectable. We list these operators for Standard Model external particles and some two and three body final state reactions that could show detectable effects. These could test electroweak baryogenesis scenarios.
Basis tensor gauge theory is a vierbein analog reformulation of ordinary gauge theories in which the difference of local field degrees of freedom has the interpretation of an object similar to a Wilson line. Here we present a non-Abelian basis tensor gauge theory formalism. Unlike in the Abelian case, the map between the ordinary gauge field and the basis tensor gauge field is nonlinear. To test the formalism, we compute the beta function and the two-point function at the one-loop level in non-Abelian basis tensor gauge theory and show that it reproduces the well-known results from the usual formulation of non-Abelian gauge theory.
In this paper, we discuss the gluon propagator in the linear covariant gauges in $D=2,3,4$ Euclidean dimensions. Non-perturbative effects are taken into account via the so-called Refined Gribov-Zwanziger framework. We point out that, as in the Landau and maximal Abelian gauges, for $D=3,4$, the gluon propagator displays a massive (decoupling) behaviour, while for $D=2$, a scaling one emerges. All results are discussed in a setup that respects the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) symmetry, through a recently introduced non-perturbative BRST transformation. We also propose a minimizing functional that could be used to construct a lattice version of our non-perturbative definition of the linear covariant gauge.
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