Possible effect of collective modes in zero magnetic field transport in an electron-hole bilayer

Abstract in English

We report single layer resistivities of 2-dimensional electron and hole gases in an electron-hole bilayer with a 10nm barrier. In a regime where the interlayer interaction is stronger than the intralayer interaction, we find that an insulating state ($drho/dT < 0$) emerges at $Tsim1.5{rm K}$ or lower, when both the layers are simultaneously present. This happens deep in the $$metallic regime, even in layers with $k_{F}l>500$, thus making conventional mechanisms of localisation due to disorder improbable. We suggest that this insulating state may be due to a charge density wave phase, as has been expected in electron-hole bilayers from the Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sjolander approximation based calculations of L. Liu {it et al} [{em Phys. Rev. B}, {bf 53}, 7923 (1996)]. Our results are also in qualitative agreement with recent Path-Integral-Monte-Carlo simulations of a two component plasma in the low temperature regime [ P. Ludwig {it et al}. {em Contrib. Plasma Physics} {bf 47}, No. 4-5, 335 (2007)]
