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Radial differential rotation vs surface differential rotation: investigation based on dynamo models

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 Added by Heidi Korhonen
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors H. Korhonen

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Differential rotation plays a crucial role in the alpha-omega dynamo, and thus also in creation of magnetic fields in stars with convective outer envelopes. Still, measuring the radial differential rotation on stars is impossible with the current techniques, and even the measurement of surface differential rotation is difficult. In this work we investigate the surface differential rotation obtained from dynamo models using similar techniques as are used on observations, and compare the results with the known radial differential rotation used when creating the Dynamo model.

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We re-investigate UZ Librae spectra obtained at KPNO in 1998 and 2000. From the 1998 data we compose 11 consecutive Doppler images using the Ca I-6439, Fe I-6393 and Fe I-6411 lines. Applying the method of average cross-correlation of contiguous Doppler images we find anti-solar differential rotation with a surface shear of alpha ~ -0.03. The pilot application of the local correlation tracking technique for the same data qualitatively confirms this result and indicates complex flow pattern on the stellar surface. From the cross-correlation of the two available Doppler images in 2000 we also get anti-solar differential rotation but with a much weaker shear of alpha ~ -0.004.
We report on the results of four convective dynamo simulations with an outer coronal layer. The magnetic field is self-consistently generated by the convective motions beneath the surface. Above the convection zone, we include a polytropic layer that extends to 1.6 solar radii. The temperature increases in this region to $approx8$ times the value at the surface, corresponding to $approx1.2$ times the value at the bottom of the spherical shell. We associate this region with the solar corona. We find solar-like differential rotation with radial contours of constant rotation rate, together with a near-surface shear layer. This non-cylindrical rotation profile is caused by a non-zero latitudinal entropy gradient that offsets the Taylor--Proudman balance through the baroclinic term. The meridional circulation is multi-cellular with a solar-like poleward flow near the surface at low latitudes. In most of the cases, the mean magnetic field is oscillatory with equatorward migration in two cases. In other cases, the equatorward migration is overlaid by stationary or even poleward migrating mean fields.
We continue our studies on stellar latitudinal differential rotation. The presented work is a sequel of the work of Reiners et al. who studied the spectral line broadening profile of hundreds of stars of spectral types A through G at high rotational speed (vsini > 12 km/s). While most stars were found to be rigid rotators, only a few tens show the signatures of differential rotation. The present work comprises the rotational study of some 180 additional stars. The overall broadening profile is derived according to Reiners et al. from hundreds of spectral lines by least-squares deconvolution, reducing spectral noise to a minimum. Projected rotational velocities vsini are measured for about 120 of the sample stars. Differential rotation produces a cuspy line shape which is best measured in inverse wavelength space by the first two zeros of its Fourier transform. Rigid and differential rotation can be distinguished for more than 50 rapid rotators (vsini > 12 km/s) among the sample stars from the available spectra. Ten stars with significant differential rotation rates of 10-54 % are identified, which add to the few known rapid differential rotators. Differential rotation measurements of 6 % and less for four of our targets are probably spurious and below the detection limit. Including these objects, the line shapes of more than 40 stars are consistent with rigid rotation.
69 - J. Zorec 2006
Using 2D models of rotating stars, the interferometric measurements of alpha Eri and its fundamental parameters corrected for gravitational darkening effects we infer that the star might have a core rotating 2.7 times faster than the surface. We explore the consequences on spectral lines produced by surface differential rotation combined with the effects due to a kind of internal differential rotation with rotational energies higher than allowed for rigid rotation which induce geometrical deformations that do not distinguish strongly from those carried by the rigid rotation.
We have investigated the effects of uniform rotation and a specific model for differential rotation on the pulsation frequencies of 10 Msun stellar models. Uniform rotation decreases the frequencies for all modes. Differential rotation does not appear to have a significant effect on the frequencies, except for the most extreme differentially rotating models. In all cases, the large and small separations show the effects of rotation at lower velocities than do the individual frequencies. Unfortunately, to a certain extent, differential rotation mimics the effects o f more rapid rotation, and only the presence of some specific observed frequencies with well identified modes will be able to uniquely constrain the internal rotation of pulsating stars.
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