Teff and logg dependence of FeH in M-dwarfs

Abstract in English

We present synthetic FeH band spectra in the z-filter range for several M-dwarf models with logg=3.0-5.0 [cgs] and Teff=2800K -3450K. Our aim is to characterize convective velocities in M-dwarfs and to give a rough estimate of the range in which 3D-atmosphere treatment is necessary and where 1D-atmosphere models suffice for the interpretation of molecular spectral features. This is also important in order to distinguish between the velocity-broadening and the rotational- or Zeeman-broadening. The synthetic spectra were calculated using 3D CO5BOLD radiative-hydrodynamic (RHD) models and the line synthesis code LINFOR3D. We used complete 3D-models and high resolution 3D spectral synthesis for the detailed study of some well isolated FeH lines. The FeH line strength shows a dependence on surface gravity and effective temperature and could be employed to measure both quantities in M-type objects. The line width is related to the velocity-field in the model stars, which depends strongly on surface gravity. Furthermore, we investigate the velocity-field in the 3D M-dwarf models together with the related micro- and macro-turbulent velocities in the 1D case. We also search for effects on the lineshapes.
